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Health Care Cost Management at NIMH

Health Care Cost Management at NIMH


Health care organization is dedicated in providing health care services and products. These also include health care equipment, services, life sciences and pharmaceuticals. The various sectors which are associated with these groups include diagnostics, biotechnology, drug manufacturers and hospitals. Health care services vary from country to country but in US it is mainly associated with human health activities, dental practice activities as well as medical activities. The health care organization on which I am doing research is National Institute of Mental Health (Kasper, 1999).


National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is concerned with the research on brain, mind and behavior in order to order to deal with higher health care cost. From the past years, there has been an immense increase in mental disorders in US, which has led to disability issues and the increase in health care cost. Obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder are the main causes of this disability. NIMH also deals with research on the impact of HIV transmission and its prevention (Data Retrieved From:

Recently, NIMH in collaboration with public comment and consultant has developed a five-year Strategic Plan in order to address mental health outcome and solve the disparities through research in order to understand impact on the population suffering from mental disorders and behavioral problems. It is associated as to what remedies should be provided in this regard

(Data Retrieved From:

For reducing the health disparities multiple approaches have been set up which is associated with focusing on the following:

The NIMH strategic plan also includes the recognition and importance of increasing minority group member participation in clinical trials, this helps in analyzing the minority trials. This involvement of minority groups will help in a broader amount of information regarding the mental health ...
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