Health And Social Science

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Health and Social Science

Health and Social Science


Health can be described when an individual experiences their own body to functioning correctly that position of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and absence of disease or illness. Good health and well-being is the key to quality of life in general. If any of us experience a lot of stress, nervous tension, we are undermining our health, happiness and prosperity. Even though the person would product health all the time in the same way the reserve will reduce with the age. If the reserve is wants to keep unaffected it's essential to use health inputs more and more. Many factors combine together to affect the health of individuals and communities (Cacioppo, 2003, p39).

Whether people are healthy or not, is established by their status and surroundings. To a large degree, factors for instance where we live, the state of our surroundings, genetics, our income and education level, and our relations with friends and family all have substantial impacts on health, but the more commonly measured factors such as access and use of health care services usually have low impact. Factors that affect health can be included physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and sexual and environment. To care for good health, we must enhance our health outcomes for individuals and communities with lower the risks and harm to each other's (Cacioppo, 2003, p39).

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Sociological perspective on health

Currently the health conditions of the indigenous population of the province of Salta have a significant lag the rest of the population, there are marked differences as to the causes of death. Mortality is indigenous cause of death: intestinal infections and influenza and pneumonia (Fogel, 2003, p24). The most important differences that causes of death, found in pulmonary tuberculosis, diarrhea and maternal mortality. Most of the indigenous population mortality recorded in the early years of life. Risk factors associated with high infant mortality rates: women with high fertility, early onset of sexual activity and periods short birth, mothers with poor education and poor housing; difficult or no access to health services and poor health infrastructure. 

In the indigenous communities have high prevalence calls pathologies of poverty, among which cholera, tuberculosis, malaria, dengue, leprosy, etc. Alcoholism remains a serious social problem that affects indigenous families. The houses have no drainage; have no electricity and no water. In such unsanitary conditions is the fact that a high proportion of the population is illiterate, largely at the expense of women According to the research health is part of the category of natural rights, while equity is part of civil rights. The society is based on a contract precisely to avoid distortions arising from inequalities of power and that these inequalities are transformed into injustice (Fogel, 2003, p24). 

The naturalization of poverty in our society, and the indifference of government agencies in social security and health system are negative situations that contribute and feed the spiral of marginalization or social exclusion. As a result of the shortage of permanent health services in indigenous areas, the low ...
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