Health And Social Care

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Health and Social Care

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Change in Healthcare and Social Care


Healthcare and social care in Western societies are at a turning point. The enormous medical and public health advances of the last half century have extended life spans and improved quality of life for millions of people, but it need to be changed. The costs, however, have had an equally rapid ascent, leading many to believe we have created an unsustainable system. Personalized medicine, the subject of change management, has increasingly become a reality. One's genetic and proteomic profiles can be used to predict and treat diseases with an individually tailored approach. Paradoxically, population based health concerns, which address the health needs not of individuals but of large groups (or populations), have become increasingly important to understand how to improve the health status and quality of life across communities, countries and continents. Personalized medicine and population health are putting further demands on an already strained healthcare system (Winless, 2004).

There should be changed in the social and health care services. There are certain factors that should be considered to change for improvement of health and social care system. There could be high impact changes need in the range of social and health care organisation. These service improvements in health and social care can be transferred so the learning process can be implemented in these sectors. There could be certain changes that could be implemented in order to facilitate social and health care. These changes are possible through the principles of change management. This change management will help us to transform social and health care system. Applying the change management principles will let the factors implement successfully.


The users of social and health care sectors should be involved in the service planning, improvement, and redesigning. It is significant to make a norm in the health and social care organisation to involve the people who use the services as they would be able to tell what changes should be made and what facilities should be provided by the organisation to them.

Giving rights to the citizen in recruiting and training people will bring improvement in the service sector. Service design should be made with the consideration of the user. This would bring a cultural change in the organisation that will improve the quality of service. There should be the theme of partnership that is one of the principles of change management. The partnership of carers, staff, and users will bring respect and dignity in them. This will be the great opportunity for people who use the service and let to know the staff and carers what they want from the organisation. It would be helpful for the staff also to involve the user they will help to evaluate and monitor people working with the user. The user inspection will be empathized and ultimately increase the quality of service and satisfaction of the user. It will make a positive contribution from the society. This change will bring the self confidence to users and ...
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