Health And Safety Management

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Health and safety policy

Executive Summary

This paper is about the health and safety maangemtn of Maid Global Services Nigeria Limited. In this paper, as a consultant, with appropriate research, policies and practices for health and safety have been suggested to the company. In this paper, we will introduce the health care policy regarding the health and safety management system. Furthermore, this paper will also examine the impact of emergencies and disasters on human certain society. Disasters, due to natural hazards, damage and destroy health facilities. Economic losses and disruption in health care functions are immense

Health and Safety Policy


Health and safety issues may be direct costs such as losses in infrastructure, expensive medical equipment, hospital furniture, lifeline installations and medical supplies. Indirect costs are unforeseen expenses after emergencies such as temporary solutions like field hospitals, increased risk of outbreaks due to the loss of laboratory and diagnostic support and the loss of income normally generated by health care services. Furthermore, hazards have amplified effects because health facilities are and contain huge economic investments. After disasters, health sector recovery requires immediate, large outlays, which may not, be instantaneously accessible especially in low-resourced areas (Conchie, 2009).

Maid Global Services Nigeria Limited

MAID Global Services was formed in 2007 by vibrant and talented young engineers. MAID Global Services is fully incorporated in Nigeria and has become one of the fastest growing indigenous Electrical Construction Company in terms of quality of delivering and expertise. Our focus is on design and implementation of top quality residential, commercial and industrial power, security, fire detection and telecommunication projects.

MAID Global Services is known for outstanding on-target delivery of major electrical construction projects.

Quality Policy

The policy of MAID Global Services is to empower all employees to create, implement, and improve our services to meet and exceed external and internal customer expectations. We pledges to train all personnel in Continuous Process Improvement (CPI); to provide the financial resources necessary to Continuous Process Improvement; and to create a work environment which develops motivated, knowledgeable employees committed to the corporate mission.

HSE Policy

Concern for Health, Safety and the Environment is a core value in MAID Global Services. This means we take personal responsibility for HSE because we care about people, the environment and our company.

Therefore, our statement of general policy is:

•to provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work


•to consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety;

•to ensure safe handling and use of substances;

•to provide information, instruction and supervision for employees;

•to ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them

adequate training;

•to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health;

•to maintain safe and healthy working conditions; and

•to review and revise this policy as necessary at regular intervals

Literature Review

Good health and safety at work is not only important in human terms, but it is also one of the most effective ways to ensure that the enterprises are successful and sustainable.

Simple cost benefit analysis will not be the appropriate way to look towards the issue ...
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