Health And Safety Law

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Health and Safety Law

[Name of InstitutePart I

Robens Report the Law of Enforcement

Background In 1979 the ILO published its first report, in preparation for the Conference, which details the state at the time, Safety and Health (OSH). It does so under the name "Safety, Health and Working Environment". The report begins by recalling that Resolution on Environment Working adopted in 1974, the International Labour Conference states:

"Improving the working environment should be understood as a global problem different factors which also influence the physical and mental wellbeing of the worker are interrelated, as in the case of:

Protection conditions and physical hazards in the workplace and in the middle immediate environment, e.g., heat, radiation, dust, contaminants at noise, air pressure, vibration, dangerous machinery and his- chemical and explosive substances;

Adaptation of facilities and working procedures in the physical and mental such worker by applying the principles of ergonomics;

Prevention of mental tension due to the pace and monotony of work and promotion the quality of work life by improving the conditions of it, including the des- description and content of tasks and issues related to work organization. In 1975, the International Labour Conference adopted a resolution which referred to the future action of the ILO's "Conditions and Work Environment." His lessons ture identifies encouraging Member States to:

Promote the objectives of improving the Conditions and Work Environment work through all of the aspects of economic policy, educational and social development;

Specific objectives are set periodically to reduce, if possible, certain two accidents and occupational diseases or most exhausting jobs and painful;

Standardize the application of scientific research, so as to be made ??in favour of man and not against you and in your living environment.

These and other background gravitated in the preparation of Convention No. 155 on safety and health workers. The "provisional statement" that the ILO was at that time can be discerned in the report which states that, although in some industrialized countries the evolution of the frequency of the accidents mortal has improved, it has in others of the same group and that the situation in the developing countries is even more unfavourable. In recent indices show when countries have reliable data, an apparent increases in fatal accidents them, multiplication of indices by 2, 3 or more.

The ILO estimated accident costs in industrialized countries in 4% of GDP GNP. At the same time, referring to companies that got good results in prevention were also in productivity and at the commercial. In this way, you could display a well-run business. Also tested the opposite phenomenon, misdirected companies had bad results in prevention. The report also showed that relationships can be established between a high level of safety and quality of labour relations, communications and psychosocial climate within the company. Given the importance of this issue comes in the daily practices at the level of companies, is quoted a paragraph from the report: "In times not very distant yet established somewhat hasty conclusions to control based on studies on the role of human ...
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