Health And Safety Issues In Virtual Reality

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Health and Safety Issues in Virtual Reality


VR is a technological advancement which equips a user with innovative method of interacting with computers of modern age. On the other hand, there are a number of applications of this technology in the field of medicine, engineering, technology and power. Its scope is really wide and is significant in a manner that it helps in simplify the process and make it easy to arrive at a decision. It plays a foundation role in bridging the gap between patients and physicians. In the same manner a virtual environment is created for the Doctors where a Patient can consult the doctor for cure.



Health and Safety Issues in Virtual Reality


Traditionally, the interaction with the computer using its wireless and standard devices which includes keyboards or mouse as well as, the devices which are use to input and output the operation and command i.e. a receiving system which uses a visual display unit (VDU.) the display unit is made for the purpose to enable the users to develop a virtual reality (VR) system, a new interactive way "Step into" a computer virtual environment (V.E.S).The goal of maintaining a virtual environment system can be accomplished by "soaking" the user environment.

There are different ways to do it, such as wearing headphones attached to this may be achieved by the VE and the head movement tracking a three-dimensional image display (HMDS) through hands as well as, figures. On the other hand, use of magnetic or optical tracking systems based on human limbs has increased. It is an acute desire to monitor the movement of body on real time basis, but limits of the existing technology. Furthermore, this would not always be the case (Howarth, 1994). The competitive advantage of this new technology is to develop a virtual environment which enables the user to find out some new results. In 1996 kalawsky defines the main advantages of virtual reality technology:

Automation of critical systems.

Granular visualizations through microscopes.

Enables high productivity and integration

Soaking awareness.

Flexible adoption.

A lot of research has been done in the field of Virtual reality and its relation and impact in the field of Medicine and Health. However, recent reports cover a number of various disadvantages of the technology. Previously a large number of reports received media attention and coverage often it is misleading, sensational the report is to highlight the possible side effects. In this manner potential users of the VR system, indicates that they may experience side effects (Howarth, 1996).


VR has been touted as a revolutionary technology, the idea to include an artificial environment nothing new. In fact, VR may be regarded as the extension of the idea which has been already for a long time Such as flight simulation, Sensorama (Heilig, 1962) and wide-screen cinema (such as a Cinerama and IMAX). Use of this system, the display occupies much of the vision, so that the public. Two major breakthroughs came in 1960 and the arrival of a mini computer system engineer and ...
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