Health And Safety In The Health And Social Care Workplace

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Health and Safety in the Health and Social Care Workplace

Section 1.1 Communicating Health and Safety policies, procedures and systems in health and social care unit.

Communication is a vital process of life. At workplace, whenever a task is assigned to a worker, communication takes place. The clear instructions have to be made about the task, how it will be done and what standard of quality is expected from the task. Like wise health and safety protocols and requirements must be communicated to the employees thoroughly. The quality and standard of health and safety environment at workplace depends on the fact that how effective is the communication process between the employer and its employees.

There are three fundamental rights explained in the Occupational Health and Safety Act; right to know, right to participate and right to refuse. The right to know means that every employee in the workplace shall receive necessary information about the possible risks and hazards at workplace and is communicated necessary measures if he or she encounters them.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act requires people on workplace to correspond and communicate among themselves about health and safety in context to scheming hazards and preventing adverse events and illnesses. The following are the communications considered mandatory by legislation (OHS Manual 2004, p.p 6-7).

Management Duties

It is the duty of management to train and acquaint their staff about their health and safety. Consultation shall be done with the health and safety department or representatives regarding all matters concerning health and safety of the employees. Management shall ensure that the workers are aware of the possible health and safety hazards that they may encounter at work place. Any incident of serious injury shall be reported to the management.

Employee's Duties

In the first part, employees are required to strictly adhere to the health and safety policies. The employees are required to report any serious event to the management. The employees should clarify any confusion regarding safety of procedures they do.

1.2 Responsibilities for the management of health and safety

Health and safety management requires efficient programmes and systems to be implemented. The responsibilities of management at health and social care work place include communicating health and safety policy to all the doctors and paramedical staff at health care unit. Health care professionals working the Accident and Emergency department must be notified about the possible risks and hazards. It is the prime responsibility of management to ensure the safety of health care professionals working in health and social care units.

The nurses and paramedical staff shall be trained to dispose the sharps and other hazardous waste according to health and safety protocols. Health care units require special attention towards health and safety implementation because minimal errors or negligence can result in serious consequences. The organizational structure of health care units entitles significant responsibility on the health and safety management personnel.

Section 1.3 Health and Safety Priorities

Work place health refers to the effects of work on the health of employee and the effects of health on the ...