Health And Safety In Health And Social Care Work Place

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Health and safety in health and social care work place

Health and safety policy manual

The policy statement to ensure the health and safety of workers at workplace is guided by order 1978, section 2(3):

“It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare at work of all its employees”

The policy features are as follows:

The organization will make arrangements for ensuring a safe and hygienic environment for its workers

The organization will review the risks arising out of activities at work place and ensure effective control

The organization will address employee issues regarding health and safety

The organization will ensure that all material and equipment are handled safety

The organization will ensure that employees have all necessary equipments to handle dangerous material

The organization will ensure employee training to avoid any hazards at work place

The organization will ensure fire arrangements

The organization will ensure safe and hygienic working conditions

The organization will ensure regular disinfection programs to avoid spread of diseases

The organization will ensure provision of safe and hygienic food for its employees

The organization will ensure reviewing policy at suitable intervals and make necessary amendments

The organization will avoidance of instances causing hazards to be repeated

Risk assessment for Western health and social care trust

A risk assessment for the various variable for the western health and social care trust had been given below:

Office design

The office design includes all the physical layout of an organization. It includes the floors, the walls, lightening in the office, ventilation, and all the physical design. The office of the Western health and social care trust is well built. It consists of a strong building, which is not affected by weather conditions. The lightening in the office is adequate for the workers to perform their tasks properly. The office is spacious and provides enough space for the people to perform their duties. The office has tiled floors and an even surface. Hence, there is no significant risk posed to the health or safety of the workers at the office.

Fire arrangements

The office has a main entrance and a safety exit. These ways are well known by the employees and can be used, if required. The office comprises of fire alarms to warm for any possible outbreak of fire. The office is also supplied with fire extinguishers at all floors that add to the safety of the workers. However, one risk that has been identified is that all the employees are not well aware of using a fire extinguisher. Hence, it is proposed that all employees should be provided with adequate training to ensure that everyone can make use of fire extinguishers.

Emergency handling

In case of any hazard at the workplace, an emergency team has been devised by the organization that ensures immediate treatment of rte employees. It has al the necessary medicine and material for the immediate treatment for a person. However, presence of an ambulance should be made, in case of any serious health problems with employees.

Infection control

As the team of the department is required to ...