Health And Safety

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Health and Safety

Health and Safety


Health and Safety issues are an important concern throughout the world. Employees, who work in the United Kingdom and out of the cities, need to feel safe and obtain a sense of security. The historical significance of the adoption of the UK health care reform cannot be overestimated. This is the fateful transformation that would forever change the relationship between the people of UK and their government. Half of bankruptcies in the UK are linked to the need for expensive treatment. Insurance companies do not cover all the costs of treatment. That is why the people living in the UK become dependent on voluntary association. Mortality among these people is 25% higher than the national average. Before 1970, there were no regulations for safety hazards in the workplace, and no accountability for accidents which occurred on the job. Companies controlled the workforce and the environment.

The passing of the Health and Safety Legislation changed the future for employees. The law gave protection to workforce and forced employers to provide a safe and healthy workplace, plus created accountability. Most employers are mandated by Health and Safety Legislation regulations. Today, safety is a serious concern, and most companies have developed a Health and Safety program with guidelines for the employees and employers to follow. Health and safety of the UK regime is to obtain review, which would mean fewer inspections for most companies, but more emphasis on the sectors of "high risk", including the chemical industry. At the same time, health and safety (HSE) plans to implement a policy of "those who create the risk to pay for their regulation," potentially increase the costs of the chemical industry. The new approach is part of the government campaign to make Britain a more favourable business environment by cutting red tape and reducing bureaucracy (Weber, 2002).

The campaign is designed to greatly reduce the number of audits conducted in the United Kingdom. In the future, an inspection is likely to shrink by one third, which means that there will be a minimum of 11 000 inspections per year. Other areas of greatest risk of automatic control are preserved, as the oil industry and nuclear installations. At the same time, the government intends to shift costs to pay for an executive of state funds from companies that do not respect the rules of punishment. This means that companies should not bear the test the full value of inspection and fines. Plans for the new government were represented in good health and safety, good for all and accurately reflects the suggestions made by David Young, chief then Prime Minister, in his review of the health and safety laws. The survey also seems to include a nod to the end of the practice of 'gold plating' EU law. Gold-plated that the standards are introduced as a result of the EU will become even more difficult when the legislators to write into the ...
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