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Health & Safety

Site Safety Plan

Site Safety Plan


Working at the sites is always dangerous; therefore, companies always plan a safety policy in order to prevent any accidents. The management of the company or field supervisor should plan safety into every work task so that any potential injuries or illness can be avoided or prevented. However, the ultimate success of organization's safety programs depends on the full cooperation from every employee. Management should ensure that applicable rules and procedures are established and enforced, besides the effective training programs employment (HRCG, 2012, p.5).


Human resource is the most important asset of any organization, therefore, its security and safety is of utmost importance for the management. To provide safe and secure working environment company should eliminate unsafe acts and conditions and provide proper protective equipments and safety devices where hazards cannot be eliminated. Further, a safety plan must include a goal to develop a safety culture among the employees of the corporation which promotes an understanding that they have the ultimate responsibility to work safely (HRCG, 2012, p.6).

Identification, Communication, and Training

For providing a safe and healthy working environment to the employees, it is essential for the line managers to effectively manage the safety and workers who are able to identify and mitigate the hazards at the work sites. For excellent execution the management requires to identify the hazards and the integration of a formal mechanism of its reduction, and finally, communicating specific safety plans of the work place to the employees. Further, the management should train employees as well for their protection practices (HRCG, 2012, p.17).

First Aid

Management should ensure prompt and professional medical services for on-the-job industrial injuries. For this, the safety supervisor or site superintendent should arrange the ambulance services and a medical representative from a company to function. The physician and ambulance can visit sites to be familiarizes with the types of work activities involved there. The physician must be well qualified and the call number of the ambulance must be posted or provided to all employees for responding to an emergency situation (HRCG, 2012, p.87). Employees should as well be educated, by the management, about the first aid treatments in emergency conditions.

Safe Blasting Procedures

Management should make a survey of all the adjacent improvements and underground utilities. Excessive vibration can be possible when performing blasting operation on site, therefore vibration tests must be conducted to ensure the appropriate safety limits and to avoid any damage to nearby buildings, utilities, or other property. Further, work should be directed by a structural engineer, if the structural columns, beams or other component have to be removed. While this, extreme caution must be taken to prevent weakening and premature collapse of the structure (HRCG, 2012, p.114).

Fire Precaution

As fire near explosive points is severely dangerous, therefore, every effort should be made to ensure that fires or sparks do not occur near these points. In areas where explosives are handled or transported, or near points of explosive magazines, smoking, matches, or other sources of ...
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