Health And Safety

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Health and Safety Assignment

Health and Safety Assignment


The actions taken to control risk and design measures to reduce the risk depends upon the intensity it can cause damage. Risk reduction measures authenticity strongly relies on the knowledge acquired and willingness to take action. In many cases however, risk cannot be prevented alone, it is covered legally. This law in addition provides protection to people in work place for any kind of injury cause by the negligence of employer causing such injury, the responsibility being on the injured party to prove negligence.

Every country has its own legislation but with widely different court system. Here we will be discussing the British system within the perspective of European Union where strict laws take precedent over the associated state.

Health and Safety

British health and safety laws were not organized prior to 1970; it is comprised of 500separate pieces of legislation which cover multitude dimensions of sensitive issues and situation at work. These laws were governed by nine different government departments. With the passage of time it has become evident that these laws were impractical in enforcement causing reduction of competition in industryand in turn overloading the court system (Ridley, 2004: 23). This legislation passed was not prove to be effective as in the presence of this law the number of injuries increased. This bring the need to review the legislation, therefore reviewed by the Robins Committee which after through assessment came to the conclusion that the legislation should be remove as it is not being significant to control and protect people at work. This need in turn shaped in the formation of a new act which as intended to cover all the casualitities at work place by putting general obligation on the employer. These obligation cover the obligations which are of coverable nature and makes employer liable for the health and safety of the employeesOne eligible candidate is appointed for the execution of this Act. The primary responsibility falls on the excutive and Executive (, 2012):

It requires all the employers to provide an environment which enforces the implementation of reasonably practicable healthy and safe workplace

The employer is liable to provide protection not only to the employees working on the field but also to the workers visiting the worksite. . This of course includes contractors as well as visitors and paying customers

This act implies responsibility on the site operators to maintain an atmosphere free from pollution. Therefore as far as possible he should be careful in monitoring emission of toxic substances into the general atmosphere.

The manufacturer is responsible to introduce safe products in the market and incorporate information on safety precautions to be taken in their use.

The Act make provision of appointment of trade union or employee safety representatives and requires employers, if requested by such representatives, to set up safety committee

It include the appointment of employee and tarde union representative.

Regulations under the Act

All the Regulations, take roughly the same practical form, namely:

It assesses ...
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