Health And Safety

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Health and Safety

Health and safety in the health and social care workplace

Health and safety in the health and social care workplace


A health and safety program needs to be implemented in workplaces in order to keep them safe and healthy and to meet the necessary terms of the law. Such a program helps a company to comply with the law, offer a productive and healthy environment for staff, clients and visitors and minimizes the costs related to workplace illnesses and injuries. It also defends the employer against any charged upon him regarding health and safety issues in his workplace. Every workplace needs to prepare an organized plan to recognize and control risks, characterize safety and security responsibilities, and counter emergencies in an efficient manner. An H&S program is required under Health and Safety Acts of majority of the countries


The Workplace Regulations Ac1992 of health and safety in employment covers a broad range of issues pertaining to safety, welfare, and health of employees at a workplace. It requires all the employers to take the important and practicable steps towards ensuring the safety and health of employees by (HSE, 2011, p. 2):

Offering a working environment that is safe

Offering an adequately ventilated workplace

Offering a working temperature of 16 degree Celsius where the work is sedentary and 13 degree Celsius when work involves physical effort

Introducing engineering measures for controlling thermal effects in office premises

Offering adequate lighting to allow employees to move about and work safely

Offering and maintaining facilities for the health and safety of employees

Offering safe functioning of moving walkways and escalators and equipping them with the necessary safety devices

Offering suitable and safe construction of gates and doors and fitting them with necessary safety devices

Ensuring equipments and plants on the organization premises are safe

Ensuring employees are not exposed to hazards

Developing procedures for dealing with emergency ...
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