Health & Safety

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Health & Safety

Health & Safety


Defense website address for the workplace health as well as safety is:


Five programs mentioned in the defence website for workplace health and safeties are:


Asbestos is one of an important program that is related to WHS. This program i.e. Asbestos was first developed in the year 1991 and according to this it has been proved that a unified and proper asbestos management policy was developed in order to allow individuals in order to take proper as well as organized part in the medical related consultations as well as in counseling and with the help of this they can also apply for proper compensation based claims as well as procedures.


Along with other programs, Beryllium is another major as well as an important program that is related to all the possible harmful measures that are in relation with the exposure to beryllium. In addition to this best possible measures have been taken in order to have a proper system with the help of which best and safe environment can be maintained.

Safety and rehabilitation

Safety and rehabilitation program aimed for safety, compensation based policies as well as rehabilitation programs with the help of which proper strategies can be applied that can actually provide something beneficial to the employees. This program is thus organized and monitored within the department and regular meetings are conducted so that proper outcomes can be generated.

Human system integration

Human systems integration is termed as an important program with the help of which best possible strategies are applied that can actually bring something beneficial for every employee. Human systems integration is thus termed as a program with the help of which proper integral system can be generated in order to bring optimal outcomes.

Defence WHS awards

Last but not the least, another important program is termed as defence WHS ...
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