Health And Religious Faith

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Health and Religious Faith

Health and Religious Faith


In ancient Greece, the treatments were placed under the auspices of Asclepius, god of medicine, as it took the stretch and inculcated into the culture of Romans. The link between health and the religion has allowed the experts to inculcate the thoughts which tend to be semantic in nature. The link between the health care and the religion tends to be very old and extracts its roots form the Greeks. As Therapneuma in ancient Greek, means both worshiping cult, body care, cure and brand respect. The therapist is "one, who cares," both a servant of God (a shrine attendant) and the body concerned (for example, that patients flocked in pilgrimage to this sacred place). Although different religion of the world tend to perceive the health care as an important factor. All the major religions of the world, Isla, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and others forces the individual to take good care of him or herself in order to perform the duties and responsibilities rendered upon him or her in an effective manner.

However, in the context of the paper we intend to view the subject from the perspective of the Christianity. Without being reduced by far a simple therapeutic religion, Christianity has always taken care of the sick (Haynes 2010, p. 58). Catholics have founded hospitals and caregivers orders. The pilgrimage to Lourdes, and masses for the sick part of Catholicism, we find an example of a health concern in the healing mission of Brother André of the Congregation of Holy Cross in Montreal (1845-1937) and in popular devotions (medals, veneration of saint's healers).

The restoration of the therapeutic function in the latter is not a "fantasy fashion retro." It would not be an extraordinary gift but a skill "usually a normal part of life of every Christian community. The Pope recently reiterated the importance of anointing the sick, whereas, the protestant pastors can lay hands on the sick to relieve them. In the Orthodox chapels, it is not uncommon for metal figurines representing a body filed testimony of healing. In some traditional societies, shamans and medicine men, after reaching ecstasy by various methods, go to hell to rescue the souls of the sick spirits and demons. The shamans cure therefore involves a contact with the supernatural and can therefore be regarded as magical-religious. In the context of the paper we intend to develop an effective and efficient understanding of the subject. It can only be done by inculcating different notions into the text of the paper.


Asian traditions, Buddhism and Hinduism, offer an extinction of suffering and develop a medicine related to their beliefs. The African Independent Churches that have the largest audience are those who have created their own therapist religious function, which is mostly converted to Christianity. A sorcerer who intercedes with God instead of resorting to the spirit of the ancestors. From a global viewpoint, it is possible that religions contribute to psychological well-being and improved health of the ...
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