Health And Health Promotion

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Health and Health Promotion

Health and Health Promotion

Bennett, C., Perry, J., & Lawrence, Z. (2009). Promoting Health in Primary Care. Nursing Standard, 23(47), 48-56.

The authors of the research show the recent changes within the health policies of UK in developing the NHS, which emphasizes the health promotion. There are primary services which are key in achieving this aim. This article talks about it and examines the meaning of health along with its determinants and the approaches to the promotion of health, public health and the protection of health in the primary care. It gives the overview to the primary care and orientates the activities of health promotion in relation to certain diseases including cancer prevention, diabetes, obesity and the cardiovascular disease. Health as the fundamental right of all humans was mainly emphasized. It is shown as the right which people take for granted in society. People usually do not see that health leaves many aspects over one's life. If one remains unhealthy, he cannot attain any reputable position in society. The term Health Promotion is defined as the behavior and activity which helps individuals in staying healthy. There are various definitions to Health promotion, according to the Public Health Service, the definition of health promotion is “the process of advocating health in order to enhance the probability that personal, private and public support of positive health practices will become a societal norm” (Edelman & Mandle, 2009). These are the strategies which are used as to help and hold people who are accountable for their health, keeping in mind the end goals in order to help improving human lives. These include the reduction in stress level, nutrition knowledge, management of maintaining body fit, fitness as well as self-responsibility. (Johnston 2000).

Furthermore, the study shows concern about the development of a new paradigm of health . This is considered to be common in all countries in the world. In the XX century even in developed countries health strategy were repeatedly revised. Before the 60's. It was based on the struggle against epidemic infections, and later - the protection from chronic infectious nature (Jansen 2010). Today, the focus is not only tolerated by the patient or the person at risk, but also the reproduction of the healthy population, the care of the birth of a healthy baby. In recent years at the state level in the developed countries, which have now recognized the interdisciplinary nature of public health protection (Bennett 2009)? These strategies formed the current paradigm of health and the factors and conditions that led to its crisis. Development of a new paradigm is always in the framework of the old because of new alternative theories and ideas, when the earlier consensus of the old paradigm is broken, and new factors including the internal and external environment necessitate a new paradigm. A paradigm shift represents a quantum leap in the worldview, which requires scientific judgment.

Hunter, D. (1997) Desperately Seeking Solutions: Rationing Health Care, London, Addison, Wesley.

This is a summary of Professor Hunter rationing ...
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