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It is a strong belief that the world was created in a perfect shape and condition. There were hardly any elements which would deteriorate the condition, atmosphere and environment of the world. However, as time passed and mankind progressed, the world changed and developed to an unimaginable degree. The world turned in to the place which brought satisfaction to our lifestyle; however, it was acquired at the expense of the atmosphere and environment of the world. This case is similar to the basic source of human existence that is, health. Usually a human being is born in immaculate condition, but as time passes, the exposure to the outer world and his indulgence in certain activities deteriorates his health.


There exist numerous definitions and understanding of the term health. Individual tends to comprehend the term in accordance to their intellect and realization. However, the World Health Organization has provided the world with a distinct and comprehensive definition of this term. It defines health of a human body as not merely absence of a lethal or mild ailment; in fact, health denotes a sound existence of a human body with respect to the mind, physical and the social state of being happy, prosperous and healthy.

Health is deemed as the sound functionality of the whole humanly existence. It is not an intangible or nonfigurative state; in fact, it is a source that assists individuals in guiding an independent, social and economically productive life.

In this context, it is revered as amongst the fundamental rights of an individual to lead a healthy life, and everyone is entitled to at least the primary health resources. Moreover, health is a stage of practical and efficient and/ or the metabolic effectiveness of a person.

The maintenance of health is one issue that is the most troublesome and perplexed issue of the contemporary era. A healthy being is a result of the amalgamation of physical well being, social satisfaction and mental soundness. Impairment in any of these three may cause a trouble in sound and healthy existence of an individual (Hutchinson, pp. 109).

Detriments to Health

There are several factors that affect the health. These include environmental as well as situational factors. These factors include the place where a person lives, the environment in that place, the genetics of the person in question, the income of the person and the standard of living, the level of education, and the person's relationships with those around ...
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