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Concept of Health

Concept of Health


The concept of health is fundamentally different in the West and in the East. Thousands of years ago, health synonym was called happiness, which was just to be a happy person and a one-piece integral. The concept proposed by the World Health Organization on health determines that health is associated to constant stability of physical, mental, and social health, which is well adapted through progressions of moral health. Health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity state, but contains comprehensive psychological, social adaptability and moral state (Baggott, 2004).

The concept of health is directly proportionate to the development of the entire phenomena in care as health is the first need of life, a basic human right and a source of happiness. Centering such philosophical framework, along the years with the socio-economic and cultural development, health connotation and denotation have undergone major changes. From a single dimension, negative health model toward the multi-dimensional, and the development of a positive overall health model, deepen awareness, and increased understanding of the health. Moreover, the shifts in this regards have also focused majorly on promoting the health developments and the causes (Baggott, 2004).

Traditional Concept of Health

The contributions to health have never been the same, as there were constant changes and modification in different era where people, culture, environment, and conditions have always helped in transforming health and its variables. Moreover, the awareness and understanding of health have never been the same. By the traditional biomedical model and the influence of the culture, it has long been the presence of diseases in confronting the health standards, and health was simply understood as a disease-free, no residue, and no injuries (Fraser, 2009).

The traditional concept of health was related to a single dimension of health model in which the doctors where only concerned about the treatment of the disease. Whereas, at that time the treatment lacked prevention due to the many variants, which is considered to be a negative view of health. In addition, the traditional concept lacked the variations in form of impact of the interaction of physiological, pathological, psychological, and social factors on health and disease.

Modem Concept of Health

The modern concept of health is not only limited to physical health, but also including mental health and social adaptation. According to the W.H.O, the concept of health is attached to the induction of modern medicine and health with different association due to immense demand, cultivated towards multi-dimensional authentication of the aspect to modern concept of health. Such modern conceptualization to health is considered as a positive approach due to the holistic involvement of various health aspects and the overall health model development.

The definition of modern health concept is linked to three dimensions that measure the level of health which are medical models in regards to:

Bio Medical Model

Psycho Medical Model

Social Medical Model

Models of Social Epidemiology in Health

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