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Part 1


There are several determinants indicating the status of public health. According to Dahlgren and Whitehead (2007), the determinants of health include the environmental, cultural and common socioeconomic factors. The current working and living conditions, lifestyle, and community networks also come under the determinants of health. These health determinants assist to evaluate the healthy status of various populations living in different regions, cultures and with availability of fundamental facilities of life. One of the major outcomes is the measurement of life expectancy at the time of birth, as well as at elderly age.

“Increase in life expectancy only depends on the economic factors available to the population”.

Critical Analysis of Statement

Life expectancy is the measurement of the number of years increasing or decreasing in the age of the population at a particular time such as at birth or at old age. With the help of life expectancy, the average age of the people and the health status can easily be determined. Several factors are influencing on the life expectancy of individuals, but the economic factor is the prominent one. Inadequate income arise the issues allied to health inequalities. The level of economic inequality links to the well being, and life expectancy of the population including minorities. A good income facilitates access to fresh diet, adequate shelter, education, and healthcare facilities (Dahlgren and Whitehead, 2007). The high or adequate income may reduce many health consequences when the person is healthy, mentally and physically. People can avail the protective factors contributing the maintenance of health only with good income. They can easily get vaccination or immunization, which is one of the protective factors reducing the incidence of certain viral diseases and increasing the life expectancy. With adequate income, people live with positive thoughts and usually possess the definite purpose of life (Marmot, 2010, p. 34). However, the major issues related to the high income are that people start eating ready made or fast food and reduce their physical activities by using vehicles instead of walking. The high income is a leading cause of many complex diseases such as cancer, obesity, diabetes and various cardiovascular diseases (Marmot, 2010).

On the other hand, the poverty and low income causes several diseases due to social inequalities leading to health inequalities, lack of awareness and unequal human rights in many ethnic and low status populations (Jones & Douglas, 2012, p. 40). Several studies have demonstrated that the health of population enhances with the development in the economic factors of several countries. Nevertheless, with the same rise of economic development in different countries has showed different outcomes in life expectancy. The social and health inequalities are the fundamental reasons in reducing the life expectancy. In the year of 2009, India and Vietnam possessed the same income, but the life expectancy of Vietnam was more (75 years) in comparison of India. This indicates that there are other factors important to increase the life expectancy (Jones & Douglas, 2012, p. ...
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