Introduction Relevant Health promotion of a heterogeneous population is an important problem for the healthcare practitioners. Different interventions are madeand evaluated according to the culture and these interventions are developed by policy makers and researchers. These interventions are available for different group of people, and it has shown a mixed degree of success. This condition is because there is an unequal distribution of disease, and disability of disproportionality has affected poor people and minorities and they are called as health disparities (IOM, 2003). The disparities are derived from the guidelines of the healthy people to increase the quality of life. The quality of life can be enhanced by prompting the prevention of disease. The process of health promotion is connected with the improvement of the health of an individual by motivating the desires which increase the well being of a person. These changes in the response can be more sleep or an increase in the physical activity.
Discussion The three factors, which are included in the promotion of health, are ethnic or racial identity, socioeconomic standing and culturally based practices (Pender, Murdaugh & Parsons, 2002). These factors need to be focused closely because they can serve as the basis for resolving the health disparities.
Culture The inherited set of hidden and clear rules that guide a person about feelings and views and interaction with the world is called culture. Cultural values and expressions change according to time and culture can also be influenced by other people. Many organizations and people believe about collectivism, individualism, spirituality, communication patterns and familial roles (Kreuter et al., 2002). Many people belong to diverse cultures in the places where they live and work. Moreover, the healthcare professionals also have a particular culture (Hahn, 1995). Many people can have different values, beliefs and perspectives regarding the issues of health and its management (Kleinman, 1978). There are various approaches like emic and ethnomedicine which are used to opinions and concepts of people about health, disease and its treatment. Researchers have focused that how many types of disease are defined by cultures. Arcury et al (2001) examined the culture of Anglo Americans, Black and Native Americans. He examined that there are similarities in many health promoting behaviors. For example, the themes of balance and moderation were common between these groups.
Social class All the behaviors and believes cannot be explained by culture, and they can also be identified by several other ...