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Elaborated Essay Plan

Elaborated Essay Plan


Stroke is a disease that mainly affects the brain because it is directly related to the arteries that supply blood to the brain, which primarily provides oxygen for normal functioning. When it comes to the case of Mr. Smith, This stroke impacted his balance and coordination which consequently resulted in mobility problems that made him depended on nurses for everyday activities. The after effect of stroke caused him language deficits or communication problems which are also termed as aphasia. The language deficit makes the patient very frustrated as due to the inability to communicate properly, which most of the time ends up with extreme depression and anger. Therefore, in order to effectively deal with this problem, the patient requires an effective intervention plan.

Problem Identified

The problem identified with the stroke is the communication problem face by the patients who underwent a stroke.

Communication problem

The Aphasia or deficit significantly impaired the ability of Mr. Smith to communicate properly which resulted in social communication skills as following:

Trouble in sequencing thoughts altogether to convey a complete message.

It leads towards switching the topics without warning or informing the listener.

Trouble reacting in an appropriate manner such as overreacting, impulsive or no emotions.

Problem in maintaining the conversation and sarcasm or humour.

Difficulty in maintaining tone of voice.

Aphasia affects over oral motor functioning skills which results in following mentioned problems:

Weakens the muscles of lips and tongue which results in unclear speech.

Weakened breathing muscles which disables patient to speak loudly enough to be heard in the conversation.

Intervention Plan

The communication deficit caused due to the weakened muscles which made Mr. Smith unable to speak that may even cause him to use other augmentative or alternative communication aids to express the thoughts or needs. Here in this case, the nursing intervention plays a vital role in understanding the needs of Mr. Smith (Frank et al., 2000). As because nursing is a function, mandate and orientation functions the nurse arising from different situations that these professionals are together to improve health. Both approach (which aims to bring the sick to health) and nursing function is also a force of maturation and an educational tool. Indeed, they may bring individuals and communities to introduce changes beneficial behaviors in their lives. Any problem experienced by an individual or community carries within itself its own solution. By getting people to develop their ability to solve their problems by ...
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