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Health and Society

Health and Society


Medicine has always been considered as a necessary tool for the survival of societies. It is important to note that the practitioners of medicine are given high respect and are regarded as life savers as well as critical elements in the development of mankind. It is generally known that between the period of 19th century and 21st century, there have been considerable changes as well as discoveries in the field of medicine. In addition to that, it is important to note that with the progress of societies, there have been different points of views in the approach towards the progress of medicine. The history of medicine has had significant progresses since the past 200 to 300 years of time (Grell, Cunningham & Roeck, 2005). 'However, an important element to note is that as societies progressed, the people in different societies have various issues and mindsets towards the field of medicine. In addition to that, throughout history there have been plagues and massive diseases within societies. This managed to cause a lot of destruction and the lives of millions of people had been lost. The kings and the rulers of these societies were clueless of what could be done as they witnessed their people being killed with a force which could not be fought with conventional armies and armory. For this purpose, the doctors as well as the practitioners of medicine were considered highly important and their views and researches were supported and backed up by the societies in every possible way.


In the initial period of the 19th century, it has been witnessed that there have been 3 enormous waves of diseases which have been considered as contagious. Numerous diseases had occurred and there had been a considerable decline such illness as influenza and diphtheria. However, as time had progressed, a vaccination was developed of the much feared diseased in the century prior to the 19th century. This disease is known as the small pox. Along with this disease, there were other diseases that frightened the people of various societies as well (Leach & Fairhead, 2007). This included typhus and the pestilential turbulence. Another important thing to note is the initial outbreak of the Asiatic cholera.

This was discovered in the coast of Sunderland, in Britain in the 1931's season of autumn. From here onwards, the disease travelled to Scotland and was soon found to exploit the conditions of the society of London as well. Prior to running its course, the lives of fifty two thousand people had already been consumed. But it is important to note that the disease initially travelled from Bengal and it took a period of almost five years to reach the coast of Britain. This had provided the doctors with ample time to consider the nature of the disease. However, they were still not aware of its causes and how to prevent the disease from its root. It is important to note that the level of illness had increased in the ...
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