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A Case Study on HCI Principles

[Name of the Institute]Introduction

This case study is about the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) principles in IT. In this study a website is analysed for the prototype used in the site. In critically analysing the site it is checked that whether the HCI principles are followed or not. HCI principles do not guarantee a flawless design but following the principles minimizes the problems arising in the human-computer interaction (Joseph & Janice, 1999, pp. 55).

HCI principles bind the designers to not only design and build a site with his or her expertise but also carefully look into the reason for every element in the site (Julie, 2009, pp. 431). Study of Human-Computer Interaction principles thus makes sure that the machines interact with users in a friendly, effective and useful environment. The following aspects in designing a learning site must be kept in mind. All of these aspects are critically analysed in this case study.

Mental Models

Users are most responsive and active to the interface that is related to the real world. The design of a learning site must be done in a way that makes it closer to the real world as well as interesting. One way is to be precise about the age of users that will use the application. If the application is complicated the user will not only lose the interest but also become slower in interaction (Julie, 2009, pp. 431).


In understanding the difficult concept metaphors are proven to be very helpful. Using images and naming the activities on familiar activities is a major principle for HCI. An example is naming the folder of deleted files as recycle bin. The name quickly makes the user understand the purpose of the folder. Similarly links to different destination within the interface can be named or represented by such image that provides the understanding. User interface must be graphical with availability of shortcuts to important destinations.


Responses to the users through sound as well as visible actions on the screen are important. Through such visibility a user interacts quickly and it also minimizes the chances of mistakes. Choice of colours and contrasts is essential as screens output is different from that on the page. Some font colours are specific to certain background. For example yellow on white is an intense combination for readers.


Any function that usually users seek must be affordable at the main interface. The information searched by users depends on the user's age and experience (Bullinger & Jurgen, 1999, pp. 91). A learning user might not want to get the information about the site which is required by the teachers and parents.


The activities done by users must be responded in an effective way. This makes sure that the user is getting responses from the application and feels the interaction with the machine. It increases the chances that the user will again visit the application.

Case Web Site Evaluation

teacherz-pet.co.uk is analysed in this study. The site contains primary teaching resources. Different posts are displayed on this site containing varying activities and ...
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