Hcc145 20574: Online Quiz 1

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HCC145 20574: Online Quiz 1

Online Quiz 1

Due Oct 13 at 11:55pm

Points 100

Questions 100

Available until Oct 13 at 11:55pm

Time Limit 60 Minutes

Attempt History






Attempt 1

60 minutes

89 out of 100

Score for this quiz: 89 out of 100

Submitted Oct 11 at 3:45pm

This attempt took 60 minutes.


Question 1

1 / 1 pts

The word part that contains the fundamental meaning of the word is the: (Barlow, 1998) (Barlow, 1998).

The word part that contains the fundamental meaning of the word is the: (Barlow, 1998) (Barlow, 1998).




word root





combining vowel


Question 2

1 / 1 pts

All medical terms have at least one:

All medical terms have at least one:



combining vowel




word root


 Question 5

Skip to question text.

Using word parts from the following choices only, and adding any any combining forms that you wish, create the medical term that means "inflammation of a joint (Cole, 2000) (Cole, 2000)."

aden, arthr, cyte, hepat, ic, intra, itis, megaly, my, neur, oid, oma, oste, ous, pathy, sarcoma, sub, ven, viscero (Cole, 2000) (Cole, 2000).

Arthritis: It is the medical term which means the inflammation of a joint. Its defining is following

Arthr means Joint

Itis means Disease or Inflammation

arthr/itis: Here Arthr is word root and itis is suffix. We cannot use Combining Vowel because suffix is starting with vowel.

You do not need the slashes when creating terms.


Using word parts from the following choices only, and adding any combining forms that you wish, create the medical term that means "enlargement of the liver."

aden, arthr, cyte, hepat, ic, intra, itis, megaly, my, neur, oid, oma, oste, ous, pathy, sarcoma, sub, ven, viscero

Your Answer:

Hepatomegaly: It is the medical term which means the enlargement of the liver. Here hepat means liver and megaly means enlargement. Its analyzing is following

  step1: division of word into parts: hepat/ o/ megaly

  step2: labeling abbreviation: hapat (WR) o (CV) megaly (S)

  step:3 labeling combing form: hepat/o/ (WR+CV=CF)


Using word parts from the following choices only, and adding any any combining forms that you wish, create the medical term that means "disease of a gland."

aden, arthr, cyte, hepat, ic, intra, itis, megaly, my, neur, oid, oma, oste,ous, pathy, sarcoma, sub, ven, viscero (Cole, 1995) (Cole, 1995).

Your Answer:

Adenopathy: It is the medical term which means the disease of a gland. Aden means Gland and Pathy means disease. Its analyzing is following (Cole, 1995) (Cole, 1995).

  step1: division of word into parts: aden/ o/ pathy

  step2: labeling abbreviation: aden (WR) o (CV) pathy (S)

  Step:3 labeling combing form: aden/o/ (WR+CV=CF)

Question 3

1 / 1 pts

The most common combining vowel is:

The most common combining vowel is:










Question 4

1 / 1 pts

In the term intra/ven/ous, which part is the word root:

In the term intra/ven/ous, which part is the word root:







intra and ven


Question 5

1 / 1 pts

Which of the following requires a combining vowel if attached to the word root arthr: (Data, ...