Hcc 145 20574: Syllabus Quiz

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HCC 145 20574: Syllabus Quiz

Question 1

0 / 1 pts

Hospitalization is an official excused absence in the catalog

Hospitalization is an official excused absence in the catalog




You Answered




Correct Answer


Question 2

1 / 1 pts

How many possible resets do you have for the Assignments?

How many possible resets do you have for the Assignments?








As many as you need




Question 3

1 / 1 pts

How many possible resets do you have for Part I and Part II of the Comprehensive Final Exam?

How many possible resets do you have for Part I and Part II of the Comprehensive Final Exam?









As many as you need



Question 4

0 / 1 pts

How many possible resets do you have for the Quizzes?

How many possible resets do you have for the Quizzes?




Correct Answer





As many as you need


You Answered


Question 5

0 / 1 pts

How many times can you access the Assignments?

How many times can you access the Assignments?


As many times as I want.  However, I can only CLICK ON SUBMIT once

Correct Answer


I can only access the Assignments once without submitting it



I can access the Assignments up to three times


You Answered


Question 6

1 / 1 pts

How many times can you access the Online Quizzes and the Part I and II of the Comprehensive Final Exam?

How many times can you access the Online Quizzes and the Part I and II of the Comprehensive Final Exam?


Only Once







Up to three times



Question 7

1 / 1 pts

How much time do you have to take the Online Quizzes?

How much time do you have to take the Online Quizzes?


One hour




One hour and 30 minutes



Two hours



Question 8

1 / 1 pts

I can be dropped by the Instructor if I miss two Assignments in a row or an Assignment and a Quiz or two Quizzes in a row

I can be dropped by the Instructor if I miss two Assignments in a row or an Assignment and a Quiz or two Quizzes in a row









Question 9

0 / 1 pts

If I obtain 72% as an overall average in the class and I obtain 92% on my Part I and Part II of the Comprehensive Final Exam averaged out, I am passing the class?

If I obtain 72% as an overall average in the class and I obtain 92% on my Part I and Part II of the Comprehensive Final Exam averaged out, I am passing the class?




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Correct Answer


Question 10

0 / 1 pts

Religious Holidays are official absences in the catalog

Religious Holidays are official absences in the catalog




Correct Answer




You Answered


Question 11

1 / 1 pts

The Browser required in this course is:

The Browser required in this course is:


Mozilla Firefox




Internet Explorer






Question 12

0 / 1 pts

The Online Quizzes can be found.......

The ...