Hand Hygiene

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Hand Hygiene



Hand Hygiene1

Hand hygiene in Ireland2

Healthcare-Associated Infections3

Antimicrobial Resistance3

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus4

Association of Health Care Workers With healthcare-associated Infections4

Issues Influencing Compliance Of Health Care Workers6

Affects of Non Compliance on Hospitals8

Graphical Representation8

Nursing Homes8

Measures Taken To Improve Hand Hygiene8




Hand Hygiene


Hygiene is the essential part of ensuring patient safety. Hand washing is a vital part of maintaining personal hygiene that is necessary for the individuals, as well as the health care practitioners. Healthcare-Associated Infections and the high resistance against the anti microbial agents are the leading problems associated with improper hang washing and increasing hand hygienic problems (Collins, pp.547-575, 2008). The problem is not just limited to the general public, but the health care workers are also indicated to exhibit non-compliance regarding the hygienic measures taken in patient care practice. There are various guidelines that help the health care practitioners to learn the safe and effective methods of delivering patient care and to meet the hygienic standard in practice (Centre of disease control and prevention, 2013).

This assignment has taken the topic of health care hygiene and hand washing as is prime focus. The assignment discusses the hand hygiene and its importance in the health care. It analyses the factors that affects the compliance of the health care workers in terms of hand hygiene and how this in compliance affects the hospitals and nursing homes. The paper also discusses the necessary measures that can be taken to improve the condition and critically analyses the current practice and it flaws.


Hand Hygiene

Hygiene is necessary preventive measure to avoid the occurrence of many diseases. Hand hygiene is the crucial part of the hygienic technique that helps in preventing the occurrence of pathogenic infections and anti microbial resistance. In our daily routine, we touch a lot of things that might be containing germs. We then eat food from the same hands without washing them, facilitating the germs to get transferred in our body. This leads to different diseases and infections. Topical infections are also commonly observed with such ill practice. Hand hygiene is therefore fundamental. As the centre for disease control and prevention states, hand hygiene can save lives of many individuals through prevention of potential fatal pathogenic infections.

Hand hygiene in Ireland

Like many other nations. Ireland has also considered the importance of hand hygiene in maintaining the health of the patients and providing them with a security of well being. The heath service executive, Ireland, states, hand hygiene is the utmost responsibility of every individual that is involved in the health care provision. The health care system of Ireland has taken a major step to prohibit the occurrence of antimicrobial resistance in Ireland, by launching a set of strategies to guide the hilt care professionals regarding the hand hygiene to save the patients from possible infections. The strategies for the control of Antimicrobial resistance in Ireland (SARI) have been made necessary to be implemented in every health care facility to ensure patient security. This indicates the importance of the hand ...
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