Hammurabis Laws On Family Relationships

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Hammurabis Laws on Family Relationships

Hammurabi's Laws on Family Relationships


The code of Hammurabi has the huge influence over the governments. As a matter of fact, it was one of the first written documents that had the tinge of government. Time and again, we came to know that the writing of these laws actually shifted the paradigms of human rights. These laws are the result of those times, and this gives me enough food for thought that how the notion of human rights and governments was perceived that time. Hammurabi's Law Code was initiated in Babylon during Hammurabi's rule as the king in 1800 to 1750 (B.C.) Historians often cited the Hammurabi law as the basis of Western tradition of human rights. Two hundred and eighty two rational clauses of code of Hammurabi governed the existence of Babylon, which were rooted in “eye for an eye” justice (King, 2008). The disparity between slaves and nobility was liberated by dint of this document. This essay provides a critical analysis of Hammurabi Law and covers a historical interpretation of code of Hammurabi law.


The philosophies related to Human rights are the result of various works written my people both from East and West in the social as well as cultural contexts. As a matter of fact, the idea of human civilization, from religious and secular point of view, is determined by initial laws. The formation of complex societies and the forerunners of civilizations, i.e. agriculturists, lead to such an advancement. All in all, today's laws of society and human civilization are the result of recorded work performed in those early days. The code of Hammurabi is one of the foundation stone in the quest of human rights. The number of such written clauses in those days was one hundred eighty-two were under the influence of Babylonian existence.

After a thorough overhaul of such codes, one can assume the thinking patterns as well as mentality of people who wrote these laws. As a matter of fact, these one hundred eighty-two codes do cover a broad spectrum of areas ranging from social, family till distribution of wealth etc. All of these codes give ample regulations regarding the routine happenings in an ordinary person's life. These codes are one of the primary grounds that gave incumbent laws. For example, the persecution of people at that time including that of familial matters and those of ...