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Hamlet in writing by William Shakespeare is a famous tragedy play about Prince Hamlet's revenge for his dad and which ultimately directs to his death. The protagonist of the play is Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, becomes the tragic champion who successfully makes his reprisal for his father's death by murdering the antagonist, monarch Claudius, but he furthermore misplaces his own life as well as the inhabits of those dearest to him in the end (Booth pp 137-76).

Since at the starting of the play, Hamlet's dejected for his father's death and the quick remarriage of his mother and King Claudius motives his attempt to find out the reality, and farther his dad informs him about his murder as a ghost, which determinants him to revenge. Therefore, all through the play, from searching the killing to justify the truth, and finally revenge, Hamlet is contriving to kill the killing of his father, monarch Claudius in alignment to come to his aim of revenge, which is the foremost theme all through the play (Booth pp 137-76).

When hamlet talks to everyone, his words are bewildering but they make sense and do not reveal any sort of madness. Hamlets words maybe confusing but they make logic if looked at carefully and do not echo any kind of insanity. "I am but mad north-north west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw" (II.ii.376-377). At first it might seem that these are words of a madman but if we analyze them; beneath hamlet's antic disposition these words are indeed very sane (Booth pp 137-76).


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