Halogen Lighting Replacement

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Accredited Certificate Provider For Commercial Lighting, Halogen Lighting Replacement

Accredited Certificate Provider For Commercial Lighting, Halogen Lighting Replacement


50W halogen downlights have been a popular choice for residential lighting and are typically installed with inefficient magnetic ballasts. New technologies, such as 35W halogens, CFLs and LEDs, offer a huge potential for energy savings as replacements of the older technology. Each replacement is assigned a Default Savings Factor. For replacements with 35W halogens the Default Savings Factor depends on rated lifetime of the new lamp. For replacements with CFLs and LEDs the Default Savings Factor depends on the rated power of the new lamp.

Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs) are produced under the New South Wales Government's Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) which commenced in July 2009. Each ESC represents the equivalent of one tonne of CO2 avoided as a result of a Recognised Energy Savings Activity (RESA). The electricity generators are legally bound to purchase a fixed percentage of ESCs every year based on their electricity sales in NSW. The price for ESCs varies depending on ESC supply and demand in the market.

Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificates (VEECs) are produced under the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target (VEET) which commenced in January 2009. On 17 May 2012, the Victorian Government (through the Essential Services Commission) introduced commercial lighting upgrades under the VEET. Each VEEC represents the equivalent of one tonne of CO2 avoided as a result of the prescribed activity. The Victorian electricity and gas retailers are legally bound to purchase a fixed proportion of VEECs every year based on their electricity and gas sales in Victoria. The price for VEECs varies depending on VEEC supply and demand in the market .

Certificates are created on a 'deemed basis' (i.e. the lifetime savings are created upfront, generally for up to ten years), which reduces upfront costs and enables a rapid return on investment. The lighting upgrade will also result in significant savings in electricity on an ongoing basis. With accreditation under both programs, Green Energy Trading can apply for product acceptance from the scheme regulators (the Essential Services Commission in Victoria and IPART in NSW), making energy efficient lighting solution more attractive in both key markets. Please refer to our product approval requirements overview for both NSW and VIC to make products eligible for certificate creation for Commercial Lighting Upgrades in these states.

Green Energy Trading is one of Australia's largest environmental certificate agents. We are totally independent from manufacturers and installers. We work closely with our clients to assist them in securing the financial benefits associated with renewable energy and energy savings schemes. Green Energy Trading has been accredited to create VEECs as part of the VEET scheme since 2009, and NSW Energy Savings Certificates (ESCs) since 2011. Some of the projects that Green Energy Trading has been involved with include lamp replacements (T8 with T5; Light Emitting Diodes) and installations of lighting control systems.

The Energy Savings Scheme (ESS) commenced on 1 July 2009. It is designed to help NSW families and businesses save money ...