Ha2042 - Feasibility Report: Accounting Information Systems

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HA2042 - Feasibility Report: Accounting Information Systems

Executive Summary

The report entails a succinct explanation of the issues experienced by the firm, which is the most important inspiration for changing the information processing jobs from the labour-intensive systems to the computerized systems. The main concern entails relationship between inventory management process, order management process, payroll process and human resource management. After identifying the major concerns, the report explains the purposes that must be accomplished through the execution of the innovative system. The report also suggested the resolution for the firm to surmount the issues. The main and important solution proposed is the implementation of computerized and automated systems. This solution largely involves the execution of “accounting information system.” This process will integrate order management system. The report further suggested a system related to payroll concerns that will require execution of human resource management. Moreover, “management information system” (MIS) will be executed to offer easiness of strategic decision making to the firm's director. Lastly, the report explains the development plans for sustaining the efficiency of operations and systems. The commendations and proposals are fundamentally presented from the perception of “information security system.”

HA2042 - Feasibility Report: Accounting Information Systems

Description of the Problem

This segment explains the main issues, which the firm has to experience because of its dependence on the manual processes and systems. It is imperative to notice that even in the period of advance technology and communication systems, pressure hydraulics service centres still depend upon manual processes and systems for carrying out the operations of order management, data collection, financial records and pay roll.

At the present time, pressure hydraulics is operating as a successful firm in three different cities. The company provides maintenance and specialised servicing of hydraulic systems used in cars, trucks and earth moving equipment. Along with the increasing business operations, the company's owner named as Allan Taylor is thinking about the business expansion of two new service centres, in other cities. He is also planning about the setting up an infrastructure in order to align business processes more efficiently as compared to the current processes. After doing a comprehensive examination of the present business and operational procedures of the Pressure hydraulics, the owner suggested that the firm must make use of computerized and automated information systems. Employment of computerized systems will help in enhancing efficiency of the business, on the whole. According to the need and demand of the firm's owner, the purpose of this feasibility report is to examine the viability of payroll and accounting systems for the firm.

The first and foremost concern that the firm's director is experiencing with the manual systems in every branch is the control and monitoring. At the present time, the director physically spends some fraction of each day at all the service centres. Evidently, this will turn out to be improbable because the service centre will commence to operate in various regions. Because of service centre's dependency on manual processes and systems, the workers experience intricacies whilst getting orders from clients via ...