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George Washington's Farewell Address

George Washington's Farewell Address


Farewell address of Washington address towards the nation has appears in it's the entirety issues about the independent Chronicle. Although by all accounts, this one from George known as the most famous speeches of Washington. The speech was be done on his own arrangement that was initial appears in the Philadelphia newspapers and then latterly it was published in the Independent Chronicle after the time period of seven years (Washington & Field, 1999). In this paper I will discuss the main theme of George Washington speech that he was address in year 1972.


Describing in his farewell that he address in his book on the Washington Life “no man has ever left on the noble testament of politics”. Washington has announced his planned withdraw from the politics: after the 40 years of my life that is dedicated towards the American services”.

Washington expected that neighborhood elements may be the wellspring of unimportant contrasts that might decimate the country (Spalding, 1998). His resistance of national unity lay not only in theoretical goals, and yet in the practical actuality that union carried clear focal points to each district. Union guaranteed "more amazing quality, more amazing asset, [and] proportionately more amazing security from risk" than any state or local could delight in separated from everyone else. He stressed, "Your Union should be recognized as a principle prop of your liberation." (Washington, 1983)

The man who is basically known to all the American as the “fist in peace, first in the war” as well as first in the countrymen hearts”, he gave us much sound as well as advice about how to keeping our freedom and independence, advice from George Washington should be known to all the citizen of our country. There are the following statements Washington address in his statement is as follows.

Main Themes

Extolls The Federal Government Benefits

"The unity of government is a prevailing as the major pillars in the edifice of your genuine independence as well as of your quietness at home, your harmony out of the country; of your wellbeing; of your thriving; of that very emancipation which you so profoundly prize." (Washington, 2007)

Cautions Against The Party System

"It serves to divert the Public Councils, and weaken the Public Administration that is agitates the Community with poorly established jealousies and false cautions; ignites the animosity of one adjacent to another. It opens the way ...