Guns, Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond

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Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond

Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond


Jared Diamond as a professor at university of California, Los Angeles for the subjects of physiology and geography wrote the book Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies in the year 1997. The book achieved famed in the following year of 1998 when it won the Pulitzer Prize for general non - fiction and later the Aventis Prize for Best Science Book. In the year 2005 National Geographic Channel produced its documentary on this particular book.

The book is a philosophical explanation of the psychological concepts of why the Eurasian civilization is the dominant class and why it has been able to survive over others on the basis of their moral, intellectual, and genetic superiority. The Eurasian civilization particularly represents the people from North Africa.


Many psychologists have made immense efforts to identify the links of geographical terrain with superiority of a certain group of people. In particular many of the White Americans have made constant efforts to prove that the white Americans from European origins are much smarter and intelligent then the Black Americans from the African background.

However, none of these psychologists can undermine the fact that the opportunities and infrastructure available for growth and opportunity differed marginally between both the parties. This obstacle has made it even worse to suggest the superiority of the whites over blacks. The hypothesis of these psychologists depend largely upon two things firstly the kind of environment we are provided sat childhood play an important role and secondly the learning which we adopt from our cultural surrounding which has zero influence of our innate intelligence.

Writer's thought

The writer has a perspective on the basis of his detailed knowledge of 33 years working with the societies of new Guineans. He from day ...
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