Gun Violence In Schools In Us

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Gun Violence in Schools In US

Gun Violence in Schools in US


Since the beginning of the 1990s, the issue of "violence in schools" garnered the attention of the media and public. Since then, the issue of violence in the school has taken the place of a key issue. It was the widespread assumption that student violence essentially would be brought in from outside the school, and therefore the causes are primarily to be found in non-school factors conditions. In contrast, in the past work based on empirically sound findings demonstrated that relationships between the conditions exist within the school and student violence. The research on causes of student violence, in addition to the widely known outside school factors such as crisis-ridden families, delinquent peers, groups and excessive media exposure, even on school climate and learning culture as school-specific development contexts of aggressive and student behavior. The school is therefore also a suitable place, through changes in their own preventive factors, to act on student violence (Harcourt, 2006).

From attacks or rapes, robberies by threats and beatings, from gang wars to drug dealing, but the most sensational cases arrive in our news because it is unfortunately real massacres. Violence is now a daily part of our lives. It is a manifestation that occurs in all social, economic and cultural. This is also shown in the institutions. Such violence was hidden, denied and silenced for years by educators and authorities, but prevent and eliminate such violence has only to make them worse. We must face this problem that is growing every day. Facing them means recognize, analyze and act on it, this is a way to work on prevention. The problem must be taken without drama, but firmly and in all its magnitude. We must avoid the fear and anxiety that violence occurs not to fall into impotence and act from a reflective stance that allows us to address approaches consistent with their complexity. Thinking about school violence involves defining its causes, limits and directions. Conflicts should not be deleted or denied because this way they can become destructive and must be addressed constructively (Harcourt, 2006).


Literature Review

According to Police Executive Research Forum, 2012 in United States, gun violence has become second leading cause of injury deaths. More than 2000 Americans under the age of 20 are being killed each year because of gun violence. There are countless children and young ones that are not being injured or killed because of gun violence, but they are the survivors but scared by the effects of such violence on schools (Behrman, 2002). The school violence has been a biggest threat that is increasing in the present year. The violence is a traumatic event where the children suffer from the violence taken place in schools. The gun violence needs to be controlled in school for maintaining peace. The younger generations are well aware of the fact that gun violence in the school has now become a very common problem. The major responsibilities lie on teachers and ...
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