Gun Control In Bible

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Gun Control in Bible


Gun Control means the majors taken by the authorities to limit the manufacturing, import, movement, buying and selling of guns for general citizens.

The meaning of this topic, “Gun Control in Bible” can be taken as the existence of guns causes crime. In reality, the view should be changed because every weapon is a cause of crime. The theory of Gun Control is described in context to Bible.

In the chapter number 4 of Genesis, it is mentioned that Cain decided to kill his brother. At that time, there were no guns available. He might have a knife or a rock for the murder. The main concept to mention here is that it was not the weapon; in fact, it was the evil intention in Cain that was the cause of murder (Pratt).

God's response was not to ban rocks or knives, or whatever, but to banish the murderer. Later (Genesis 9:5-6) God instituted capital punishment, but said not a word about banning weapons.

Wayne Blank explored the same concept. He expressed further that God did not banned knife, rock or any other weapon in response to this murder, but, God imposed punishment for unlawful use of any weapon and explained the concept of Gun Control in the Bible (Blank).


Teachings of Bible

There are few verses in Bible that describes the idea of peace and love. Some highlighted verses express the concept of peace such as “Do not resist an evil person” or “if anyone hits you on one cheek, turn to him the other one”. Alike these, there are enormous teachings in the Bible related to peace and love. Through these messages, God taught us to stay in peace with everyone. In certain situations, it might not be possible to stay in peace. These are extreme conditions such as military possess guns for safety and use when required. This is the reason, why weapon is not considered as the bad thing, but its unlawful use is prohibited (Chalcedon, p.448). Chalcedon further expressed his views about the people, who believe that guns itself are the causes of crime; assume it to be the right thing for forces. Apparently, Chalcedon theory implies that peace and love concept is not based on the complete restriction of all weapons. A soldier uses a gun to kill someone if necessary. So this theory implies that the use of weapons requires strict circumstances as described by religion and law. The following of this concept fulfills the concept of Peace and Love.

Gun Crimes with Reference to Bible

In the Bible, God has not prohibited any kind of weapon. He has permitted the lawful use of it. Jesus did not have any objection upon Peter for carrying a sword. At that time, sword was equivalent to pistol. Even when Peter misused his sword, Christ ordered him to put the sword in its place and do not misuse it. Christ did not ask Peter to get rid of his weapon. “Christ encouraged ...
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