Gun Control

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Gun Control In regards to Conceal and Carry

Gun Control


Most violent crimes committed with non-registered guns by people without permits. As of 1998, only one instance of a shooting has been reported for a permit holder shot someone following an accident, the permit holder was not charged, as it was ruled to be self-defense (Cottrol, 1994). Through the use of background checks and registration of legitimate weapons, we are able to regulate the legally obtained weapons, but you still have no way to stop illegally obtained weapons. Registered gun owners are not responsible for police deaths or injuries. As of 1998, a registered permit holder of a firearm has never shot a police officer. The right to carry laws mandate that law enforcement agencies to issue permits to only individuals that meet these qualifications. They must be of legal age, have no criminal background and that they have completed a gun safety course. As of 1998, of the 50 states, 31 have right to carry laws and these states contain 50% of the U.S population. There have been several reports that valid permit holders have helped or protected an officer's life (Kennett, 1975).


A survey took of imprisoned criminals found that 34% of them had been shot at, scared off, captured or wounded by an armed victim. The fact that criminals fear gun toting victims is one of the most convincing factors to protect gun rights. The fact that criminals have to consider whether or not a victim is armed or not, can and I believe does in some cases, deter crime in some cases. If guns are not allowed for private ownership, the only thing the criminal has to consider is, how fast will the police get there? Guns were great for hunting back when it was trivial for food (Wright & Rossi, 1986). On the other hand, the frontier was where men fought side by side with their trusty guns and at some point was a sign of masculinity. Besides, hunting being most importantly used for sustenance, it also used for sport, as it does today. Aside from hunting, sporting, and the obligatory militia use, it later was used for personal protection (Wright & Rossi, 1986). Giving people the opportunity to have these weapons opens more opportunities for crime and self destruction. Counting gun deaths per 100,000 in the United States population, homicide was 3.98 and suicide was 5.92. ...
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