Passions run deep on the issue of gun control, indicating highly distinct and conflicting attitudes toward firearms in US culture. The gun control debate involves interpretation of the Second Amendment which provides “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms.” This relatively simple statement in the Bill of Rights generated almost no public debate for almost two centuries. A number of historical developments not contemplated by the framers of the Constitution, however, created political controversy over its interpretation. First, the technological development of assault weapons and other guns capable of mass destruction and death created a sharp distinction between military weapons and weapons customarily used by citizens for self-defense. Second, the development of a large, technologically advanced standing army for national defense removed the necessity for individual citizens to maintain and bear arms as a militia ready to defend the nation. Finally, highly publicized mass murders of citizens by criminals using assault weapons and the high incidence of handgun violence, including the attempted assassination of President Reagan and the Columbine High School massacre, sparked debate over these weapons and ownership and use regulations. This paper discusses how states and federal gun laws effect American citizens.
Gun control activists wanted to restrict access to and use of guns. Their belief was that when firearms are readily available, violent offenses like armed robbery, murder, and impulsive homicide increase. Their method for reducing violent crime was to seek new legislation. They hoped to monitor gun sales, require mandatory waiting periods and background checks, prohibit gun sales to felons, require gun registration, require mandatory child safety locks, and prohibit sales of assault weapons and other high tech weapons and projectiles. Gun control organizations encouraged and supported law suits against gun manufacturers by cities and individual victims of gun violence ...