Gun Control

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Critical Analysis of Gun Control

Outline of the Paper


This section provides the information regarding the paper and gives a brief overview of the concept which is discussed in the later sections.

Importance of Gun Control

This section will give a brief overview of the use and importance of gun and regulation regarding weapon possession.

International Non-Proliferation Agreements

In this section, the international laws regarding the gun possession are described.

United States Legislation

Here, the law and legislations regarding gun or weapon possession in U.S. is explained.


Stats are provided in this section which gives an idea that gun possession does not always necessarily lead to violence. There are other factors which may lead to high number of casualties.


Here, recommendations are mentioned regarding the awareness of pros and cons of illegal use of weapon.


This section sums up all the discussion in this paper.

Annotated Bibliography

Annest, J. L. (1995). “National Estimates of Non-Fatal Firearm-Related Injuries: Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg.” Journal of the American Medical Association vol. 273.

Approximatley 65 thousand people or around 16 thousand peoply are annualy treated in Emergency departments in America which are severly injured by non fatal gun shot wounds. In a study, which was conducted for four years, researchers found that 57% of the total non fatal gun shot wounds originated from violent actions. Most of these injuries involved getting shot by a weapon. If a gun is aggressively used, only then it is prohibited by self ownership. Gun control is illegitimate. They are used in a defensive manner without posing any threat to anyone else. Any effort by the establishment to curb guns will be a crime against the constitutional rights of citizens.

Associated Press. (2001). “Nations Agree to Limit Sales of Illicit Arms.” New York Times (22 July)

From the beginning the U.S. was clear regarding the issue of public rights of ownership of weapons. The U.S. strongly opposed this issue and rejected all the activities which restricted the U.S. government from rendering small firearms to the ilegal rebel communities. The Supreme Court of the United States ruled, on 28 June, against state laws that restrict or prohibit the purchase and possession of firearms. This decision is consistent with that which the Court itself took two years ago in which he confirmed that the right to possess arms is an individual right of all Americans. With this new ruling, the Supreme Court promotes the modification of laws prohibiting the carrying of weapons in the nation and at all levels: federal, state and municipal levels. The effects of this law will in general use, and delinquency, weapon in the United States to be seen. While it is common sense that the less easy it is to acquire a weapon less crime you can do with them, experience suggests that if the sale and carrying of firearms are not regulated or prohibited by national state and municipal laws are merely insufficient.

Correa H. (2001). An analytic approach to the study of gun control policies. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences ...
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