Gun Control

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Critical Analysis of Gun Control

Table of Content

The Massacres In The Firearm In The United States1



Importance of Gun Control4

The American situation9

A Dramatic Decline9

Right to Own a Firearm11

Feeling of Security12



Critical Analysis of Gun Control

The Massacres In The Firearm In The United States

The following article was published on the English page WSWS March 15, 2001;

We have recently witnessed the shootings in the new U.S. secondary schools. The most recent excess deaths occurred on March 5, when 15-year-old Charles "Andy" Williams opened fire in high school, "Santana" in Santa, California, killing two students and wounding thirteen. At the same time, when there was a shooting at school, "Santana," another tragic episode occurred in the cafeteria Catholic school in Villyamsporte, Pennsylvania, where 14-year-old gunner wounded in the shoulder shot his classmate. The wounded girl was hospitalized last Thursday and was discharged from the hospital.

Two other schools in California were also threatened by a such events.

“On the 6th of March, Stockton police reported that sixth-grader at the school carried weapons and wore it with a flat gate until, until he was arrested. On the same day high school student in the county of Yuba (Yuba) told the administration that a classmate told him about his plans to shoot a few people in the schoolyard”.

“On the 8th of March near Charlotte, North Carolina, another student was arrested on suspicion of sending e-mail messages, which contained threats to blow up the 13 secondary schools and preduprezhdlos that set the bomb will explode in one hour”.

Since 1996, there have been 16 incidents of shooting in American schools, which killed 35 students, 17 teachers and officers and wounding 70 people. The most horrible attack happened at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colo., April 20, 1999, when students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold shot and killed 12 students and one teacher, then another 23 people wounded and then shot themselves.

Currently, many schools have their own security and warning systems, including extensive consultation and the "hot line" where students can call anonymously and are taking increased security measures. Metal detectors and check backpacks, which previously could only be seen in urban schools, are now quite common to suburban areas where there are primarily from middle class families.

“In school, "Santana" did not require students to pass [the entrance to the school] through metal detectors, but they used a special anonymous sheets for students, by which it was possible to report any threats. The school principal took special sports training. In addition to work part-time sheriff's deputy was involved. Seven prison guards during a full day walking around the school yard and the area where they were equipped with special telephones, radio and speakers, in order to improve the communications capacity as a security measure. These measures, however, could not stop the student from the execution of two of his classmates”.

According to government reports, despite the fact that school violence has generally decreased, mainly by reducing the number of incidents in cities, armed attacks by the students do not stop, and most of ...
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