Gun Control

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Gun Control

Gun Control

Gun Control


The purpose of gun control is to reduce the frequency or seriousness of violence by preventing dangerous persons from obtaining guns. The main rationale for believing that this will reduce violence is the idea that firearms are more lethal than other possible weapons, so denying guns to violent persons will reduce the likelihood that any injuries they inflict will be fatal. Gun use or possession may also facilitate attacks that otherwise would not have occurred by weaker or fewer aggressors against more powerful or numerous victims. On the other hand, an aggressor's possession of a gun can make it unnecessary for the possessor to attack the victim to gain control—a mere threat suffices, reducing the likelihood of an attack. Gun use can also facilitate robbers tackling better defended but more lucrative targets, allowing them to gain a given amount of money with fewer robberies.

Further, guns in the hands of crime victims and prospective victims can deter attempts at crime or reduce the harmful consequences of those attempted. Victims who use guns to defend themselves are less likely to be injured or lose property than are nonresist-ing victims. Widespread ownership and carrying of guns may also deter some criminals from attempting crimes, by making the crimes seem riskier. These violence-reducing effects complicate efforts to control firearms because they imply that gun possession among largely noncriminal victims has violence-reducing effects, just as possession among criminals has violence-increasing effects. Consequently, the effects of gun controls are likely to differ depending on whether they restrict guns only among criminals and other high-risk groups, or limit gun possession among noncriminals as well. Efforts aimed at exclusively high-risk groups such as convicted criminals are more likely to have purely violence-reducing effects, whereas prohibitionist efforts that would disarm both victims and offenders would have mixed effects on violence.

California Laws

All firearms sales, transfers, including private transactions and sales at gun shows, must go through a California licensed firearms dealer. An submission for sale or move must be made with a licensed California cannon dealer before any firearm may be traded or transferred. This submission comprises a recount of the purchaser or transferee and of the firearm. The purchaser should present the dealer with a legitimate California Driver's permit or a California Identification business card and supply their right thumbprint. The purchaser of a handgun should furthermore supply additional proof of California house, other than a article from the Department of Motor Vehicles. The dealer drives a exact replicate of the application to the California Department of fairness and the local policemanmanmanman head or sheriff.

No individual will make an submission to buy more than one pistol, revolver, or other firearm capable of being concealed upon the individual inside a 30-day period and no delivery will be made to any individual who has made an application to purchase more than one pistol, pistol, or other firearm adept of being concealed upon the individual within any 30-day period. No person shall purchase or transfer a handgun to someone without ...
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