Gun Control

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Gun Control

The debate on gun control laws and policies in the United States demonstrates a struggle that has been ongoing in both politics and policy process for decades. Gun control and regulations of gun ownership have played a significant role in gaining public support during elections. Debate on gun control policies has become a highly salient issue, especially at times when gun violence has appeared in schools or other public places. Social science research on gun control can be divided into three main categories that present the scientific and political debate on the issue (Vizzard, 41).

History, Culture, and Gun Control

The first group of research studies focuses on gun control from a historical viewpoint and mainly explains the role of guns in American society throughout history. This type of research also considers gun ownership as a cultural phenomenon and claims that gun ownership is at the center of traditional American life. Discussions on the role of guns in American traditional life are also connected to the origins of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees citizens the right to bear arms. Advocates of gun ownership claim that the Constitution gives citizens of the United States the right to own a gun and that the right is protected. On the other hand, advocates of gun control arguments highlight the relationship between gun ownership and gun violence and claim that it is not against the spirit of the Constitution to make guns unreachable to criminals (Lott, 32).

Advocates of gun control also argue that the Constitution is a “living and changing” document; that is, any part of it can be discarded at will, and that rights are never absolute. They argue that at the time the Constitution was drafted citizens were arms of the government, so they needed weapons to protect their government. Gun control advocates argue that the states, the federal government, and the people have all changed over time.

Another argument centers on the differences in beliefs about gun control among cultures and demographic regions. Gary Kleck's study of the cultural foundations of gun control indicates that gun control support is more a product of culture conflict than response to crime. The findings of his study suggest that high crime rates and prior victimization do not increase support for gun control among the general urban population. Gun control opinion was found to be related to membership in groups whose cultures have certain opinions concerning guns, hunting, modernism versus traditionalism, change orientation versus status quo, and internationalism versus localism. On the other hand, the research shows that regional origins, gender, and affiliation with a religion are unrelated to gun control opinions. Research also shows that support is stronger in cities with more police and fewer gun owners per capita (Kleck, 49).

Gun Control and Politics and Legislation

The second type of research puts gun control at the center of the political arena. Political debate about gun control and the ideological foundations of that debate, interest group participation, and party politics are some of the ...
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