Gun Control

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Gun Control

Gun Control


Historically, the debate over gun control occupies a central place in American society. During the American Revolution, firearms were used by citizens' militias to overthrow British colonial rule, and, during the westward expansion of the American frontier, for protection against Indian and other attacks on property and family. An explicit right to 'keep and bear arms' is consequently established in the Second Amendment to the constitution. Today, there are more than 200 million guns in circulation, with more than 40 percent of all American households in possession of guns (DeConde, 2001). As a consequence, gun-control is an emotive political issue and under the Clinton administration, a concerted attempt was made to tighten the gun laws. Control has also been applied on types of weapons whose destructiveness is indiscriminate, as in the case of mines, biological weapons, or chemical weapons. The objective of this paper is to discuss the gun control.

Gun control is being viewed as the most debatable topic of the country, especially after the unexpected increase in the percentage of brutal killing of innocent citizens of the country. This report will initially discuss the prevailing concept of gun violence, and will discuss its impacts of the live of the people. In addition to this, this paper will also briefly describe the legal and registration structure of the country, while exploring the public perception regarding the gun control and guns related violence.


United States of America is the most developed country of the world, comprising of all the latest technology and state of the art facilities. American society is also considered as the most armed society among the developed nations, with approx 50 percent of the citizens are possessed with guns and the homicide rate in USA in 10 times higher than other developed countries (Krouse, 2012). Occurrence of frequent violent behavior is normally described by researcher as an intricate fact that is interrelated with diversified factors. Although, the ending result of the violent behavior is significantly linked with the tools, or the method adopted, but when gun as a tool is used that occurrence of death become obvious after the incident.

The famous criminologist of the country Franklin Zimring and Gordon Hawkins have also described the use of gun as the major factor in the increasing percentage of Homicide. After witnessing several brutal incidents the higher authority comes up with the first major step forward in the beginning of ending of nineteenth century by expressing that presence of gun is extremely dangerous for public health, and would lead to increase in the death rate of the country (Reich et al, 2002).

Implication of the laws on Gun Control

The Criminal Code establishes the following offenses: pointing a firearm, possessing a firearm in a dangerous purpose, and carrying a concealed weapon. The use of a firearm in the commission of certain crimes is itself an offense for which the offender is liable. A mandatory minimum sentence of four years' imprisonment is imposed for the use of a firearm ...
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