Guide Dogs

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Guide Dogs


German Shepherds are large-sized dogs that were originated in Germany in the late 19th century. They are very popular with people because their fearless yet approachable personalities allow them to perform many important functions. This popularity has spawned many questions about this breed. As a result, here is a German shepherd information guide that can help you learn more information about these popular dogs. It includes information about their origins, their physical characteristics and their temperament.

It also includes information about how people use them to achieve tasks (Rice, pp.12). The German Shepherd's origins can be traced to 1899 when Max Von Stephanitz purchased an amazing dog named Hektor Linksrhein from a breeder at a Karlsruhe, Germany dog show. Hektor was so strong, intelligent and loyal that Von Stephaniz used him to develop a dog breed that was capable of working with people for extended time periods.

German Shepherds have a double coat that consists of a longer upper layer of hairs and shorter hairs near the dog's skin. This coat helps the dog adapt to a variety of climates quickly. However, the dog's coat requires regular grooming to maintain its healthy sheen. Fortunately, most don't mind being groomed because it allows them to further develop bonds with their people. German Shepherds have long and pointed ears that stand erect and open. They have medium-sized brown eyes and a long neck. They also have a black-colored mask around their faces. The dog's jaws are strong. They contain hinges that allow the dog to use their jaws like scissors to deliver a powerful bite. The dog's tail is bushy. It stands erect when the dog is excited or angry.

They also have a domed forehead, a long muzzle and a black pointy nose. These latter two characteristics help the dogs track scent trails. They are the result of careful breeding with herding dogs that had pointy noses and long muzzles. They have a very muscular chest, broad shoulders and long legs. As a result, they are very strong and agile dogs that are well-suited for an active lifestyle. Finally, the dog's paws are rounded like snowshoes. This characteristic helps the dog walk in tight or crowded spaces effortlessly.

It's difficult to explain their temperament using just a few words. This is the case because German Shepherds have a variety of personality traits that help them perform many tasks for people. For example, German Shepherds have a loving, protective and happy nature that makes them very sociable dogs. This part of their personality makes them an ideal family dog because it allows them to form extremely strong bonds with their people. They also are also very loyal dogs who are eager to please. This eagerness to please makes them an ideal hunting companion and guard dog (Willis, pp76).

Discussion and Analysis

The German Shepherd Dog as a breed is the result of a conscious effort to produce the perfect shepherd, able to both herd and guard its flocks. Breeders sought to develop not only a herding dog, ...
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