Group And Team

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Differences between a Group and a Team

Differences between a Group and a Team


Most of the people frequently use the terms group and team interchangeably, but there are many differences in the real world business applications. The word team is often labeled to a group of people assembled together for a specific purpose over a period of time although; there lies a fine line between the two.

Leadership speakers and motivational campaigns often talk about the importance and effectiveness of team building and not the group building, some of the core differences between the two are highlighted in this paper. The efficacy of the team is hidden how well the team members are gelled together and also their alignment with the goals, team members have to have similarities in their intention while on the other side of the coin, groups efficacy is dependent upon their individual performance. Group's strength can be assessed by the outcomes of their member and from the veracity that they need to be willing to carry out the commands of their leader.


Teams involve two or more persons that are set to work interdependently, flexibly, and adaptively to work towards the joint, common, explicit, and treasured plan. Teams essentially are made up of members having complimentary intellectual abilities since there are enthusiastic to identical common objectives and hold each other accountable for their own actions (Yoon, 2008).

The concern arises that why some groups succeed while others do not when most businesses realize what teams are and have knowledge how to out the team together. They attempt to single out and pick finest associates for their teams. Once the team has been created businesses will delegate assignments to team for completion. Nonetheless, some groups will go wrong to do what they have been conceived to do. (Walsh, 2004)

High performance team must move toward the common target. They must do this to generate the level of achievement that is greater than what can be produced by the person functioning on their own. Team as the whole has to be superior to anyone of its individual. This team must bond and be the genuine force. First step is to look at roles people portray. THE business that wishes to have the high performance team must look at its workers and come to the decision what roles are best suited for them. Persons are predisposed distinctly from childhood into adulthood. Some workers were matched to sell, while other ones can crunch figures and do not fit well into crowds.

However, finding proper placement for each member is not only obstacle the high performance team may have to surmount. Enterprises over this homeland face trials every day. Challenges like diversity and demographic characteristics are common place in modern world of big business. Diversity is an important factor to team building. Since people at organizations differ in terms of gender, age, experience, communication style, personality traits, cognitive patterns, intellectual fertility and so on. Where diversity can easily hamper the high performance team with ...
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