Grounded Theory, Narrative Analysis, And Ethnography

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Grounded Theory, Narrative Analysis, and Ethnography

Grounded Theory, Narrative Analysis, and Ethnography

Outline of the Study

This mini research proposal intends to discover an essentially important component to qualitative research methodology. The basic aspect which tends to be explored through this research is the experiences of women whose mothers had breast cancer. A critical review of key factors within the qualitative research will be explored within this research proposal. The first chapter will provide an introduction to the topic including the purpose and significance of the study. The next chapter will cover the methodology for this study. The review of the research proposal will be presented in the last chapter concluding the study. The focus of the research is related to analyze the characteristics of long term illness and treatment, long term and short term impact and family background of the patients.

Background of the Research

This research remains critically important for those who want to get engage in the process of conducting qualitative research. Breast cancer has emerged as one of the most prominent cancers amongst women. Therefore, the significance of this cancer for the women whose mothers had breast cancer tends to increase as their probability rates tend to increase. Moreover, coping up with breast cancer is also difficult and therefore the experiences are worth exploring.

Aims and Objectives

The primary aims related to the research are;

-To identify the significance of qualitative research in comparison with quantitative research.

- To gain the knowledge of experiences of women whose mothers had breast cancer.

- To discover important components of qualitative research.

- To explore about grounded theory and its significance with qualitative research.

- To assess the feelings of women whose mothers had breast cancer.

- To identify how likely the daughters of breast cancer are patients to suffer from breast cancer.

Research Questions

What is the significance of qualitative research in comparison with quantitative research?

What are the experiences of women whose mothers had breast cancer?

What are the important components of qualitative research?

What is grounded theory and how is it significant for qualitative research?

How do daughters of patients' women feel?

How likely are the daughters of breast cancer patients to suffer from breast cancer on their own?


Research Method

The study would be following a qualitative research method. As when in comparison to quantitative analysis techniques, there will be more subjectivity in the qualitative analysis design. Observational methods for qualitative research differ from quantitative methods in several ways. Qualitative research focuses on how people behave in their natural settings and this research is done by that person describing their world in their own words (Cozby& Bates, 2012). Quantitative research seems to focus on behaviors that can be counted or calculated like statistics. “Qualitative researchers emphasize collecting in-depth information on a relatively few individuals or within a very limited setting; quantitative investigations generally include larger samples” (Cozby& Bates, 2012).

Data Collection

Data would be gathered through different qualitative techniques like focus groups, interviews, case studies, and observations. There are different researchers who are always dubious about which research method to choose for their particular researches (Groenwald, ...