Greek Mythology

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Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology


Oedipus is a figure of Greek mythology. He is a son of Laius, king of Thebes, whom he killed in a scuffle. Later he received as a reward for being Thebes from the Sphinx, free, Jocasta, the widow of the king and therefore his own mother, as his wife. Later he learns that Jocasta and Laius are his biological parents. An oracle predicted Oedipus about doing something and he actually turning into committing both parricide and incest that were predicted by oracle. In Sophocles 'play Oedipus the King Oedipus stabs himself at the end of the eyes and flees into exile with his shame.


Story Circle

The Curse

King Laius of Thebes once had the hospitality of King Pelops abused by his son Chrysippus to abduct and seduce because he had fallen in love with the boy. Because of this he was cursed by Pelops. Laius and his wife Jocasta remained childless for a long time and made himself one day Laius on the way to the oracle at Delphi and received news of the curse. The oracle said, "If you are under thee ever to beget a son, so this will kill his father and marry his mother" (Powell, Barry, 2001, p. 38-42).

Oedipus in Corinth

Jocasta was actually a son. Laius did so with the consent of his wife, Jocasta the newborn Pierce to tie the feet, and him by a shepherd so in Cithaeron exposed mountain range. The shepherd, however, had pity on the baby and him a passing shepherd handed from Corinth. About this time comes the Oedipus the King Polybus of Corinth and was adopted by him. His wife, Merope, or according to another tradition Periboia healed his wounds. She called him because of his swollen feet Oedipus. More recently, this is etymology of the name has been questioned. Some scientists suggest that "Oidipous" translated as "He who knows everything" (Powell, Barry, 2001, p. 38-42).

Oedipus kills his father

Oedipus grew up in Corinth, unaware of its origin. When he reached puberty, was a drunk at a party hints indicating that he was not the biological son of his parents. Oedipus was concerned, the answer from Polybus and Merope did not satisfy him, and he finally asked the oracle of his hand. Specifically, he consulted the oracle, which he was. The oracle was to blame for the answer and instead announced that he would kill his father and take his mother to wife. Horrified, he then broke into the distance, so that the prophecy of his supposed parents in Corinth not coming true. On the road from Delphi to Daulis he arrived at a fork in the narrow mountain Parnassus - according to other data in Cithaeron - on a car. Polyphontes, the driver of another car, called on Oedipus, to make room immediately. Since it was just too slow, he killed one of the horses of the Oedipus, Oedipus, after which both the Polyphontes killed and his passenger, and thus his biological father, Laius, not knowing, and the first ...
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