Greek Art

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Greek Art

Greek Art

Greek Art


The topic under study discusses the historical art objects related to the Greek God Poseidon. Since ancient times Greek art possesses immense importance. Its origins are found throughout history. Isolation, development of economic and social traditions makes Greek civilization and art to last over time (Dickie, 1997).


Five Historical art objects Related to the Greek God

Temples of Worship

Temples of worship existed in every city, being dedicated to one god. The temple included the statue of the god, and it was the place for the celebration and worship, made ??by priests. Temples were built in rectangular plan and consist of several rooms. On entering the temple, one could found two pillars in the pyramid. One could see an alley of sphinxes and statues access near the main entrance. The Temple consists of several secret rooms and corridors. God statue can be found in the more remote and dark room between them. Temple worship was a big building being built on the pillar-beam system. This system was mostly used by builders of Greek time (Beardsley, 1966). Temples were rectangular stepped on a small base in an enclosure where they carried out ritual ceremonies. Small temples had a front portico of two columns, sometimes with another hall in front of it.


A pyramid (pyramis from the Greek) is an n-sided polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base of n sides at a point called the apex, by n faces triangular (n = 3). In other words, it is a solid cone with a polygonal base. Pyramids were built for pharaohs and their families. The material used for construction was mainly stone (Beardsley, 1966). Their interior was made up of several areas, thus they had camera offerings, rooms and in the shadow of the pyramid countless corridors could be found.


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