Greek Architecture

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Greek Architecture


This paper presents a critical significance of the Greek architecture. The perfection of ancient Greek structures was characterized by their ability to withstand the numerous earthquakes in highly seismic region which were structured. It should be noted that in accordance with current data, released in Greece, about half the seismic energy in Europe.

The fact that the palaces of kings encompass prehistoric temples and ancient temples of that period shows, except for epic descriptions and excavations, and many sculptures and paintings, which are found in various excavations of prehistoric sites (Berve, 56). Thus, a mural of the Palace of Knossos depicts the inner chapel, divided into three rooms whose walls are painted with different colors: red, blue and yellow. Statue does not appear, but only religious objects shaped horn next to the columns. Still, the royal tombs of Mycenae found golden plates, on which there is relief of the facade of the building, where the top two corners of the roof to sit on a dove, bird sanctuary and a symbol of Venus (Berve, 57).

From these indications led the history of architecture of the ancient Greeks and paralleled the first real church buildings to the prehistoric drawings of mansions and palaces. It concluded that the prehistoric royal palace, and even the palace, namely the reception hall of the palace, is the primary type of Greek temples.


The Parthenon, dedicated to Pallas Athena, the virgin goddess of war, is the crowning achievement of ancient Greek civilization. It is an international symbol of Athens. Its construction began in 447 BC a draft of Iktinous and Kallikrates. Nine years later, in 438 BC, the temple was inaugurated during the celebration of the Great Panathenaic festival (Dinsmoor, 25).

The Parthenon is built entirely of Pentelic marble, except the foundation (from limestone). Here is the Doric architectural style and is surrounded by eight columns of the narrow sides and seventeen on the long (counting twice the corners). In the two short sides of a second colonnade of six columns stood behind the first (Lawrence, 41).

Accordingly, the church in the Homeric times is independent of the safekeeping of the royal palaces, copy the shape of palaces, in which, in prehistoric times, closed and remained invisible, now presented in an outdoor space as an independent firm of prominent worshiped God, whose statue or the statue houses and not go longer just the king to pray and every religion. Such a church was probably of Apollo at Delos, whose size and reputation praising the relevant Homeric hymn. Depending temple must have been the Pythian Apollo at Delphi, for which the relevant Homeric hymn says he had a large yard (Dinsmoor, 26). These temples of 10th and 9th century, listed in the Homeric hymns not survived, but it is very likely that, in the shape of the palace, were elongated building blocks, including two long walls go even further, shaped pilasters, enclosing the pronaos and hall. The front between the pilasters was decorated with two wooden ...
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