Greatest Threats

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Greatest Threats to Security in 21st Century





Security Threats5



Redefining Security Notion9

Environmental Security9

Human Security10

Security Operators Role11

International Relations Theory12



Functionalist Theory14


Greatest Threats to Security in 21st Century


Since the start of war on terror and the incident of 9/11, the international terrorism is increased, endorsed and supported in the London, Washington, and other capitals of West as the greatest threat to the security of 21st Century. In addition to the terrorism various other threats are also linked to the security of the world in the 21st century.

The other threats to security are recurrently increasing rather than decreasing and due to this the risks and threats of more terrorist attacks are augmenting (O'Manique, & Fourie, 2010). This paper will discuss about the various security threats that are faced by the world in the 21st century. First, the security and threats will be discussed, and then various threats of security like terrorism, globalization, environment security etc will be discussed. In the end, a number of theories of security will also be discussed.



The word “security” comes from the Latin, the language in which it means no worries, whose etymology suggests the meaning “take care of yourself”. The debate on this concept is not new. Indeed, “this is a concept that cannot international consensus, defined in various ways, according to the interpretative school, geographic region, country, etc.. In the background, is a contested concept, ambiguous, complex, with strong political and ideological implications” It seems, however, no consensus on what security entails the release of threats against the core values, it is also common to associate the concept a certain lack of risk and predictability and certainty about the future.

In any serious attempt to define security is acceptable to have a minimum of three parameters: security means for the community to preserve its core values, the absence of threats against the community, and formulation of policy objectives for the community. Can well understand as “the absence of military and non-military threats that could undermine the core values ??that a person or a community wants to promote, and which imply a risk of the use of force” (Vorosmarty, McIntyre, et al. 2010).

This definition excludes security settings that have more affinities with other fields of study such as political economy, development, or protection of the environment than with the field of strategic studies. Allows, however, various issues, which earns him the epithet often concept “more ambiguous and disturbing in relation to building political-strategic”.


Traditionally - in agonized environment - threat is any event or action (current or anticipated) of varied nature (military, economic, environmental, etc.) That contrary to achieve an objective, and that is usually causing damage, materials or moral, and in the strategy consider mainly the threats from a conscious desire, analyzing the product of the possibilities for the intentions. Thus, we say that a particular situation is generating a threat if your agent has possibilities and capabilities to achieve them and also have intentions to cause.

According to the proposed by a UN panel 8, 2004, the threat is today ...
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