Grant Writing

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Grant Writing

Grant Writing

Sources of funding

Since the project will require a significant amount of funding, it will not be possible to get this entire grant from small donors such as parents, or small institutions. In order to make this project a success, a large donor is required. In this circumstance, the most appropriate source seems to be large corporate businesses that would like to fund such projects in order to show the community that they are ethically responsible citizen of the society (Hall-Ellis & Jerabek, 2003).

The funds can be acquired by first preparing a list of possible corporations that may be interested in funding the project, after this, the most reliable ones need to be visited in order to influence convince them that their funds will be used for the betterment of the society as a whole. There are several such corporation hence, targeting competitors will improve the situation and attract better amounts of funds since this can be a possible marketing source for them (Henson, 2012). The essential consideration for funding is that there needs to be a link between the project and the goals of the donor so that it may be beneficial. Targeting any organization will not work; instead, a proper plan will have to be formulated.

Midpoint Progress Report

The project is currently in the design phase with some final tasks being completed. The layout of the project is complete along with the set of steps. All that needs to be done is the acquisition of funds so that the project can be implemented as a pilot project from the next academic year. The search for donors is underway and several companies have been visited and our project has been presented before them. During our presentations, I noted that many of them were willing to fund the project. However, the ...
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