Grandparent And Their Role As Parents With Dhs And Their Kindshipcare Or Out Of Home Care For Their Grandchildren

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Grandparent and Their Role as Parents with DHS and Their Kindshipcare Or Out Of Home Care for Their Grandchildren



1.1.Background of the Research Study1

1.1.1.Role of DHS1

1.2.Rationale of the Study2

1.3.Aim and Objectives of the Study2

1.4.Research Questions3

1.5.Significance of the Study4


2.1. Grandparents as Parents5

2.2. Significance of Parenting5

2.2.1. Promotes Productivity6

2.2.2. Children become Responsible6

2.2.3. Learn To Care and Share6

2.2.4. Inhibits Motivation7

2.3. Factors of Poor Parenting7

2.3.1. Parental Drug Use7

2.3.2. Incidence of ADHD and/or Emotional Problems8

2.3.3. Family Violence8


3.1. Research Design9

3.2. Research Philosophy9

3.3. Research Strategy10

3.4. Data Collection Method10

3.4.1. Primary Qualitative Data10

3.4.2. Secondary Data11

3.5. Data Analysis Method11

3.6. Sampling Method and Participants11

3.6.1. Participants of the Study12

3.7. Time Horizon12



Background of the Research Study

Over the past 25 years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of children being raised by their grandparents, due primarily to the inability of the parents of the children to effectively meet the basic requirements and responsibilities of parenting. Broad (2001) reflected that reasons for this increased phenomenon include the international trend towards placing children at risk rather than foster care into kinship care as well as a number of changes in family social conditions and structure. Generally, when the parents are no able to raise their children due to certain reasons such as in jail or addictions or alcoholics, it is often grandparents who step in to take the responsibility of their grandchildren (Dunne and Lisa, 2006). In the real world, many take this role as a way to keep the family together rather than grandchildren grow-up in the foster care system, which is no doubt a good way to care and guide the grandchildren themselves. Usually, grandparents are often ill-prepared to raise and care for their one or more grandchildren. Cass (2007) indicated that in the literature particularly, grand parenting is receiving increasing attention in relation to children being raised by their grandparents and grandparents having full time care responsibility of their one or more grandchildren. In order to validate grandparent and their role as parents with DHS and their kindshipcare or out of home care for their grandchildren it is indispensable to conduct this research.

Role of DHS

Department of human services is Michigan's child and family, public assistance welfare agency. Hedgpeth (2008) indicated that DHS directs the operations of service and public program through a network of over 100 country office around different states across different languages and boundaries. Generally, the role f DHS is to help people and their families with temporary assistance in tough times. The most widely provided services provided by DHS are child care, home and burial, food, cash, and medical care. Conroy (2007) reflected that child care is provided to all those children whose parents cannot afford child care. DHS provide such parents with assistance to meet the eligibility requirements. Likewise, foster care and services are provided to children until they return back to their families safely. Similarly, all those people who are neglected or suspected of abuse are also offered with assistance and care at ...