Grander And Pop Culture

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Grander and Pop Culture

Grander and Pop Culture


We live in a materialistic and complex society, most of the things that come to us and attract majority nowadays is usually passed on to us by the media, and this is basically termed as a pop culture. Most of what general public especially youth care about and know is based on motion flicks, images, signs and symbols with testimonies in television, radio, music, films or other media. Nowadays, how an individual carries his or herself and how they build their public identities, and what they understands what means to be a female or a male, white, black, Latino, American even non urban or urban, and Asian, is based upon what the media is trying to portray by their modified mediums, that is increasingly segmented by the gender, color and race. Media, in short, are central to what eventually come to signify our public facts. This is the basis of a pop culture.

Culture is basically a process by which people tend to live, flow and struggle over the public interaction, experience and encounters with each others, and finally with ourselves. (Dell & Byers, 1992, p 191). Just like the sex and gender which are made by the society, socially, according to which the community differentiate and describes who is what and what is feminine and masculine, just like this, the race concept is also developed by the society itself.

In this paper I will discuss the effect of pop culture on our society, with the male gaze that most of the society is dominated by this, cultural imperialism, female extremism, that's how this culture affected the dark colored or black women, with feminism, racism and others.


An essential feminist is based on the battle to end discriminatory following. It's a general believe that, media have an essential role to play in the distribution or development of sex concepts and in the same way their community mingling and interaction. Feminist media research and feminism is already being recognized, that it has the propensity to benefit sex women in particular, over the community categories of racial splendor, encounters and position. (Hooks, 1990; Dines, 1995; Dines & Humez, 2003). Dark-colored shaded feminist activists have recognized the splendor between them and white women. Dark-colored shaded women who live also experienced ill treatment of their other shaded women as per a feminist community research (hooks, 1990; Bobo & Seiter, 1991; Valdivia, 1995). Dark-colored or darkish shaded concept has been already itself quite an essential community concept and concept. (Hills Collins, 2004), and is just not a come from a set of very subjective concepts but of ideas that come instantly from the traditional and contemporary experience of dark-colored women.

From a broad variety of media perspective, darkish shade women counsel has been examined, Meyers (2004), used different research methods to evaluate attack against African-American United declares of America women in the coverage of local TV information during “Freaknik” a springtime interval practice throughout the 90's. The study established that the information made many ...
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